ramatganinternational wrote on 20 Dec 2010 14:41:
something strange is going on inside of me.....dunno what it is, i'm still going strong b'h but im begining to have serious withdrawal symptoms and flashbacks of what my life once was. i know its the y'h trying his luck but i'm finding it increasingly hard to concentrate.......
Remember when you first posted all gung ho and everyone was trying to knock you down?
The point was - if you think you "cured yourself", when the Yetzer Hora comes back, you are liable to feel lost/hopeless and give up.
If you always remember that one is never "cured" from the yetzer horah, even though there are easier and harder times, but that with Hashem's help we can always win the battle (my apologies to R' Dov if that is not phrased consistent with how he would have) then when the challenge is more difficult, you remeber that you can win and just work harder on your program.