Thanks for your reply. I am so sorry to hear that harsh judgement befell you and public exposure as well as jail have burned you. May Hashem deliver you from further disgrace or any other hell. I will keep you in mind in a few hours when Rosh Hashana starts. It is truely scary to know that it can really drag us down that far. If only there was the awareness that we really need help, support, understanding, not iron bars and banishment.
I know that the coming judgments are hanging over like angry black clouds when you have already been through so much already. May Hashem hear you on the day you call. The Gate of Tears is never closed. and remember that you have Chevrei that also suffer at the hands of the Yetzer Hara, who read what you have written and do not judge.
Thanks for your encouragement. I have closed my Facebook accounts. A first farewell to an evil friend who is really a fiend, who I wish never to see again.
1daat wrote on 08 Sep 2010 05:53:
Welcome, Seven. I so know the fears you have. Only I WAS found out, and spent some time in jail, and was exposed in a public way, and am waiting legal proceedings where i could know even more disgrace or worse. You are wise to be "bottoming out from on top", an expression that you'll find in one of the e-books.
Giving up the porn, facebook, phone calls, even undressing women in the streets with our eyes (hence, GuardYourEyes) feel's like it's just asking too much, like we'll be losing our best friend.
Nevertheless, we try to find our way, we discover that we're lost and need Hashem more than ever before in our lives, use practical steps to protect ourselves from our vulnerability to the yetzer, and share in this brotherhood. I encourage you to put a filter on. Look around the site, and ask for help. post what's happening for you so we can respond and encourage you. There are people here who are so selfless. Ask. Post.
You can do this.