Hi, I am Shmu, and I am addicted to lust, including erotica and porn on the internet. I have been following GYE for just over a year now. I Joined the the 90-day-chart, and around R"H last year I completed 90-days. I was clean for about another month or so, but as the excitement of having gone into the Yomim Noraim "clean" started to wear of, and as I was so satisfied with my "accomplishment", I began to slip more and more. Probably, because I thought "I beat it". Little did I know that I had a disease, and that it required constant attention.
Needless to say, I fell. I fell badly. I had this voice in the back of my head that said, "Why have you not participated in the forums." I said after 90 days you need to post, this way you can make sure to stay on track. But, Once I fell, I felt like a failure. I stopped reading the Chizuk emails. I was embarrassed to face all those successfull guys who seem to join up, and reach 90 days, and then become coaches for the newcomers.
Baruch Hashem, Hashem had other plans for me. My life became unbearable again, problems with money, shalom bayis, my childrens jewish education, I needed to be there for my wife and kids.
I joined the chart again, and B"H I am clean 19 or so days, and I don't want to make the same mistakes as I made before. I am joining the forum and I want to connect to people like me. I was alone in the struggle till now. I know that I cannot do it alone. Although Hashem has been there for me, and I can not do it without him, I am convinced I need you guys out there as well.
I am throwing my hat into the ring, and I will need you guys to help me, and I will be there for you too.
Have a wonderful Shabbos!!!