Firstly, I want to thank you all for joining me on this crazy journey and providing me with advice and chizuk. I could not have gotten off the ground with all of you. I really appreciate every word. And most importantly, the tremendous love.
semantically, you are correct. Allow me to explain. I like to break down recovery into two main components. The first is sobriety and the second is the healing process. Sobriety is the stage where we remove the actual addictive behavior and misconduct. For us that means to stop looking at pornography. For a frum jew, it means complete abstinence. The healing process is where we deal with the character defects that both "caused" the addiction and that came as a result of the addiction. We learn to do facelift on character traits. We learn the proper response to stress, for example. For the standard porn addict, we need to deal with our underlying need and cravings for sex. We need to deal with our warped way of thinking and demands of sex. We need to understand the correct role and perspective of what sex is, and what it isn't.
It is important to understand these difference, especially when defininng ones goal in recovery. And yes, you need goals in recovery. Without goals you will work hard, put in lots of effort but get nothing accomplished. Believe me on this one. So the first thing is to define the term recovery. Different recovery programs put different emphasis on recovery. For instance, SA deals mostsly with what I call the "the healing process". The beahvior is expected to be removed shortly into the program during the "surrender" stage. The early AA's saw this as being a simple process. The remaining steps deal with the core. The focus is not on the behavior, but on the underlying character. It is unfortunate that so many that attend 12 steps never understand this. Thesponsor keeps pushing the addict to continue the steps and have faith in the progam, but not realizing the program will not work unless ytou first let go and surrender. And letting go is expected from the addict himself. No process. An event. Onlt then, can the true healing process begin. This yesod is b'pheirush in the big book and SA white book. This is the meaning of Let Go Let G-d.
In a CBT based system, the focus is on the behavior. What thoughts lead to the behavior and learning to conrol that behavior. When I used the term "recovery" above, I was mistakenly referring to the behavior. I say mistakingly, because I a firm believer that true recovery needs the "healing process". That is why I love the 12 steps so much. (I know I know jooboy, I have to call your friends friend. Don't worry I will.)
So what did I mean when I said that recovery is an event, not a process. I was referring to removing behavior stage. There is a moment of truth when a person sees clearly what he is supposed to do and that he is control of his actions. At this moment you realize that G-d gave you free will and you CAN and MUST exercise it. Or, in SA terms you all is a sudden gain sanity. And really what this event is, is simply a decision and more importantly a realistic and honest commitment to sobriety.
But that is just stage one. Then comes the healing process, which is a process. And that is what you were correctly taught in SA. Thank you asking me to clarify this issue.
Regarding your question how relapse is possible, that is a good question. So allow me to share with you another important principle. This is the mistake of the auto pilot. We all wish to go on auto pilot. We would love to get to a stage where everything just goes. We will automatically be disgusted with porn. We will automatically never look at porn again. But nothing is farther from the truth. Life is not about auto pilot. We are responsible to keep our feet on the peddles at all times. We will need to constantly exert effor t and ecisions in our day to day life. We can always become fools again. And now I know this from personal experience. It is scary, let me tell you. The low places that I fell in the past few months. We abondon our commitment. And that why is good you are in SA, where you will be constantly reminded of your commitment. And really at the core is understanding the true meaning of another controversial AA slogan: Once an addict always an addict. I never really understood this. I mean, I was not an addict. And I wasn;t fooling myself. I didn't behave anything like an addict once in recovery. And the idea is sure, we can change ourselves or rewire ourselves (whatver term you like). But somehow, those behvior patterns are simply supressed in the subconcous, ready to obe releashed at any moment.So beware.
Jooboy, I hope I address your questions correctly and explained. And I hope my information will be helpful to you. Now that I tasted the full cycle included with a full fledge relapse, I need to warn and educate the new to recovery people, and hopefully I can help save some lives. It is my way of saying thank you to all of you for helping me. Because I do not know how I could have done it with out you.
OK, now on to "ur-a-jew", for whatever time is remaining. Here we go.
I Love the name Straight Path. I will give it great consideration. Thanks for the suggestion.
When I wrote "She needs to see a real change in how I interact with her. But not just that . It does not stop there." I was referring to the three AA's Meaning she would liek to see that stuff. But right now she is worried about me as a person. This is what is on her mind. She doesn't want me skipping nigt seder and schmoozing with her all night. She needs to see the husband she married back. But yes, I need to work on the interaction with her, and the A's. Regarding letters, don't worry I have written many many letters over the years. I am the king of letters. Sometimes, she gets a bit nervous when I write so much , because she is concerned it is anoth way of me becoming withdrawn. She even asks me from time to time if I write these letters more for me or for her. She feels letters lack the dynamics of a live relationship. She says not that she doesn't appreciate them, but she needs more of me as a person, as a relationship. But like I said, I will stil do these things of buying flowers and letters. But for me, sometimes I get too focused on that stuff and feel like I was yotzeh, and not dealing with the fundamental relationship.
Maybe I'm misreading you on this one. But it almost sounds like you're saying I can let down my guard for a couple of months until the cycle starts again. If it is what you're saying that would be a terrible mistake.
Nope, didn't mean tha. I never thought that, and I am big believer in increasing your guard day by day. Actually doing it is another thing. And being realistic with oneself that they are becoming weaker and weaker is another thing. I just meant, porn will be off my radar screen in reality. I will still do my best to grow day by day and remove myself farther and farther away. But I do not anticipate those feeling weak days anymore.
Thank you all for joing me here today.
I love you all!
Have a great day!