Help!!! I've been hijacked!!!!
Actually, much better to be hijacked by you guys -- the yetzer Hara still thinks he still has me, as he has for decades, and wants to negotiate for my release! He is teasing me -- I thought he was willing to just let me go - but here he decided to put up a wole new fight that I never in my life thought I would have to deal with :-[ --- ah well.
I don't know where SA groups are in my area, or how to acces them, or, given the sensitive nature of my deleted posting, I can or should risk going to them, so it is encouraging to hear that I might be able to deal with this here instead. But as it seems that some people feel it is necessary, I will make inquiries. (I know this is annoying for those who did not read my posting, -- my apologies.)
Thanks 1daat, Steve, Kedusha, Yosef, anongye, jip, and of course guard . . . you guys are the best. I look forward to freedom, but it seems that it takes more than the truth to set one free - it takes working the steps. ???
(I know, I know, you can only get to the truth by working the steps -- Kasuv hashlishi).
And Steve, I'll bite. what the heck are KOT and KUTGW ?
Best to all,