Hello again,
I figured that it was time again to get some input here from y'all on what is happening with my son.
I haven't talked about him much lately - I guess I did not feel that there was that much to share. He basically spent the summer "chilling", i.e. stayin in bed till 1-2 PM, davening quickly, spending alot of time with his ipod, going to the movies with friends...and that is about it.
It has been an interesting education for me. I am not sure if it is positive or negative that I have come to accept that he does not go to shul, learn, exhibit any interest in things Jewish - and other than some remarks here or there, I don't say much.
He isn't happy that K-9 restricts much of his internet access, but mainly he and I both don't talk bout it too much and it is at an uneasy peace.
At this point, now that we finally understood that he is officially booted from the yeshiva he was at last year, we are struggling with the following issues
- Where to send him next year. To make a very long story short, he wants to go to a very Modern Orthodox school, while my wife and I feel that he will do better at another Yeshiva that will understand where he is at, but will try to encourage him to slowly move towards being more of a Ben Torah. It isn't that MO part that bothers me - it is that he may tend to find the least motivated kids to do the maximum allowable yetzer hara stuff, (and a few steps beyond. ) I feel somewhat that I am selling out if we allow him to go there, but there is much to be said for just letting go somewhere that he will be happy
- We are beginning to allow him to have a cellphone. I told him that I will not allow internet on it . My question is whether we should allow texting. He says, of course, that "everyone" does texting - how could I not allow that. From what I have heard, however, texting is one of the prime ways that negative communications between kids goes on.
Any thoughts???
I wanted to write more, but I gotta get off....next time!