ratherstayanonymous wrote on 20 Jan 2025 18:20:
Hello to the chashuva oilem on the forums, I've been poking around on the forums for a while and I feel the time has come to make I own thread, for some background I'm a bucher in Eretz Yisroel and I've been struggling with P/m for close to 8 years, hopefully I don't bore you but here's the backstory.
In 9th grade I got ahold of an unfiltered device through a relative of mine, at the time I was in an out of town yeshiva so most of the inappropriate content I was exposed to happened bein hazmanim, for years I hated bein hazmanim because while I was in yeshiva I didn't have access to P so I would naively tell myself that M wasn't so bad and really I was a shtieging buchur but at home I just felt hopelessly lost about my identity and many times throughout bein hazmanim I would ponder thoughts that "maybe I don't belong in yeshiva" and "yeshiva isn't meant for people like me" but then back in yeshiva surrounded by all the good guys I would laugh at how ridiculous those thoughts were and remember how much I enjoyed yeshiva and how deeply and passionately I felt about learning Torah (very clique I know)
This cycle continued until BM when one bein hazmanim I got rid of that device, I was on a high that bein hazmanim but of course a month later I found myself falling again, and that's how I continued for many years highs and lows all the time,
BH throughout this ordeal I was somehow able to continue to shtieg and am considered of the better buchurim, but inside I was never satisfied I always felt like a fraud and a liar.
Through some crazy hashgacha (I posted about it on a different thread) I discovered GYE and I'm 60 something days clean. So why am I skeptical you ask, in all my years (not that many I'm only 23) of suffering I can count on two fingers how many ppl I've opened up to (both of whom I connected with through GYE), and I just don't really connect to the whole open up on the public (anonymous) form and post where your holding thing, could be I'm bais but let's see where this goes (hence skeptical but open minded)
Reb yid, you are holy for coming here to work on yourself.
Posting on here is not for everyone. Some will feel comfortable, some not. (Although even the over sharers carry shame about what they have done)
If you don't feel like baring your soul to the world, that's ok. You absolutely don't need to.
I would still recommend you reach out privately to the unelected pros here who have had tremendous success finding ways of grinding people out of the shmutz and into a life where you can put this stuff into the past.
Nothing you tell them will be shocking to them and they will only make you feel accepted and loved.
Have you reached out to the boss HHM? He's the best in the business. Saved my life and well as hundreds on GYE.