Ah gut voch chevra!!!!!
31!!!!!!!!!! celebrated day 30 on shabbos! and although iv'e had 30 days clean before, and iv'e celebrated it in the past.........., this time really felt different, I don't know if the oilam could identify but in the past i felt it was beneath me to actually feel good about myself for being clean, as crazy as it sounds! My mind and gaavah (which manifested because of lack of self worth which also caused lack of connections............. chad gadya chad gadya!

) would tell me that i am so much better then that in my pnim...... whatever, but now bh as i am working through these things, i was able to take a reality check and say hey you alteh choshuveh mirrer, liochor kichlos hokul you were doing pretty bad things................ and as much as that never really defined me, and i am and always was a good person with alot of maalos that also happens to have a very hard time with this struggle........., and can't take care of it alone.........., but you still gotta accept that this acting out thingy is also you!!!!! (sounds simpler then it feels!), and therefor i should feel good about myself that bh i'm clean for 30 days, and i'm working on myself for 30 days!!!!! shoin enough with my runon over here, ah gut voch from the mir!