chaimoigen wrote on 25 Jul 2023 16:50:
Through the kindness of Hash-m I am at 70 Days of Tahara. Looking forward to 90, soon, with the Chessed of my Tatteh In Himmel.
Things feel different this time. I know, of course, that as long as I live I shall continue to be infected with an ancient and powerful Yetzer Hora, not to be underestimated. [Here he gives me a knowing wink and a playful smile. Today he looks like Professor Moriarty], but everything feels like it's changed. I am trying not to be overconfident, but truly hopeful. I've been thinking a lot, trying to understand why i's different. I want to share two aspects of what I think has changed inside of me. It's personal, but maybe these thoughts can help you, if you're reading this.
Firstly and foremost - connection. Connecting on the forums, then through PM, email, then calls, and then finally meetings - This has completely changed my life. There are many aspects to why connection is key to recovery, but here is one I have been thinking about.
Secrecy is poisonous. A person with a secret, especially a guilty secret, is living in two worlds, and that infects both with a sense of unreality and disconnect,. The secrecy wears him down, saps the life from what he does; it festers.
I had a secret identity, a part of my life that was an alternate reality, an alter ego, an alternate universe. 30 years of sneaking around (sometimes) is very damaging.
To a certain extent I became someone whose actions weren't accountable to life; who had a disconnect with what's real, and had the ability to disassociate with himself. As said in previous posts, I am not negating the incredible growth and significant accomplishments I have achieved in the last 30 years. And I like think my learning and Avodas Hakodesh is real, and I have not defined myself by my inadequacies and errors. But I couldn't manage to shake this problem andI therefore still had an "alternate universe" to slip into, at strange and at trying times. Well, my friends, here is the truth: Real life doesn't have an "incognito mode"; and it is sickness to develop a way of life that incorporates such a false reality.
Thinking about it now fills me with sadness.
This has now changed, and it feels so good. Now, I know that posting on an anonymous forum with a fake name from an undisclosed location (perhaps with pajamas, Cords) isn't the paradigm of transparent honest accountability. But it's a start. And I owned up, first in writing, to what I have done. Talked about things I had kept burdened on my heart, in secret, for so many years. Joined this community. Made real friends. Went from posting to emailing to calling. Each step took courage. And I went on to have a meeting, and more meetings. I am accountable to someone, to friends. And therefore to myself. It's a good feeling.
My life is different now, I feel I am now one man, not a fraudulently fractured feeble fumbler. All my other significant accomplishments are now more real. [And if I ever get off this darn site, I have a lot of important work to do! :)] And this brings me to my second point. Before I got here, although I was always fighting back, and I was never complacent, it was in a different way. I realize now that following my long history of previous struggles and falls, I had believed, in my heart, that there was a part of me that actually wanted the darkness. And I loathed that part of myself. So although I spent years working on strengthening the part of me that doesn’t want anything but Heiligkeit and Hecherkeit, there was still a pull sometimes to throw it away and drink in Taavah and Tuma. Happened less times, thank Hashem, and with less intensity, as the years and work went on. I was usually getting better. But I did not get all the way there. And ina sense I had tragically come to identify, at some level, with the Raa inside of me. Deep inside I thought I had a part of me that would always be bad. I didn’t realize this until recently.When I started hanging out on GYE I learned that people like me, even people much much worse off, could change and become totally clean. I needed to know how. [I had a red surge of blinding jealously towards the great Ish MiGrodna, late one night, after reading his thread, before I started posting. Still am jealous, till I hit 1000 imyH].But then I met HHM. He looked at me in the eyes, his own clear and soft eyes filled with such understanding. He knows who I am, what I do, what I did, the whole me. He doesn't think I am a fraud. There was such healing in his gaze. He showed me and helped me believe that I am Kulo Tov, with scars and problems from exposure and damage that I've been carrying around for too long. Yeah, I have a clean up job to do. But I am up for it. I learned that ME is someone who doesn’t want bad at all. Now I have a job to make sure that falls don’t happen. Now that I am not fighting against MYSELF, now that I am just fighting destructive influences and damaging scars that are trying to creep inside of me and mess me up, I can do it, with Hashem's help. It's a completely different battle now. There's no more self-loathing. And I think maybe I can try now and make sure it never happens again, with the help of my Tatteh In Himmel.
The kiss he gave me that night gave me back my whole life. I can't put more into words now.
My dear friend, thank you for putting my thoughts into words, with your special niggun...
And for being my anchor friend.