Hi everyone. I just discovered this site today and couldnt believe i hadnt heard of it before. I immediately signed up, how could I not? I've always wanted to share my story and I never found the opportunity. Here goes (deep breath..)
I am bH a married man with several yummy delicious children ka"h and an amazing stellar wife. I could go on and on about how blessed my life is. I have friends, chavrusas, parnassa, great family and in-laws, everyone's healthy bH etc.
As a bochur, I was a good boy. ("huh? what are you doing here??")
I basically never looked at anything improper (besides for maybe one or two times that I saw a pretty immodestly clad lady and thought innocently "hey she looks nice" and moved on without a second thought). It was always "beneath me"; something that I knew was prohibited and would become permitted and holy when I married. So my brain was kind of shut off to it. However, for as long as I can remember, I felt attracted to other boys in my class. Not everyone, just the really good looking ones. It got more and more intense as I got older and I would find myself having erections, sometimes daily, and I hadnt a clue as to what it was. Starting in my mid-teen years I would occasionally wake up wet, also totally unaware what it meant (need I mention I was quite sheltered?) Eventually, I learned about sexual attraction and would hear my classmates talking about girls. I suddenly realized that my, um, "obsession" with certain boys was not really the natural order of things. It drove me into sort of a panic, to the point that I was once relieved to wake up wet remembering that the dream from the night before featured girls instead of boys.
I don't remember when, but sometime in my mid to late teen years I watched a movie with an immodest pretty lady in it to convince myself that I could be attracted to girls (ummm...it worked).
I never had any form of sexual contact with anyone (boy or girl) until marriage. Neither have I self pleasured.
After getting married to an amazing wonderful wife, things started changing slowly. We had a rocky start to our marriage and especially with intimacy. Here we are years later and it's still a struggle although much more stable due to intense therapy. However, the consistent lack of marital intimacy, and the stress of moving, leaving kollel to get a new job (a
wrenching experience for many), having a new baby bH, and dealing with several frisky little ones with no idea how to parent, has driven me to find an outlet. I started going to the local libraries to find images and videos of girls doing things that I found arousing. Then, I got a job that necessitated having a computer and knowing the struggles I started having, I IMMEDIATLY put a filter on it. But somehow some things got through and the self pleasuring continued. My wife doesnt know a THING about this at all. Just me, my therapist, and whoever reads this
Sometimes the driving force was anger. I was such a good boy! I didnt do anything wrong as a child! I was confronted with homosexual thoughts for YEARS and didnt act on them ONCE!! I had never tasted sexual pleasure! And now after getting married and I saw and experienced it, it was abruptly taken away from me?! Why did Hashem do this to me?? It seemed like letting a kid have his first taste of ice cream and then grabbing it away.
I know these thoughts are heretical, but those were the thoughts I was having. I was so angry I acted out of desperation to get "Heavenly attention". Ironically, my wife had gotten more interested in intimacy and I was less interested because of my "excursions".
So now I find myself masturbating with just the memories of what I've seen. Each day that goes by without it feels like a week.
I want to scream and cry out to Hashem but I feel like the gates of Heaven are closed in my face. Hashem gives me so much and this is what I do?? I never thought it was possible for me to sink so low! I never suffered abuse as a child so theres no reason I should be struggling with this. Now its just pleasure. Sure, sometimes its to escape stress etc but many times its just pleasure. Like an animal! I wish I could cry, why am I not? Why isnt my heart filled with regret? I scared of all the demons I have created with wasted seed. I know teshuva is always possible but how can I do teshuva for real if I dont feel any deep regret?