Hi Musician! Welcome, and keep singing the beautiful music that you do! If you ever saw perek shira, did you wonder how the sun sings? How does the moon sing? The wind? The answer is in the pasuk "רוח סערה עושה דברו", the whole creation sings a song by fulfilling the will of the creator. When the sun does its job, when the moon does what it was created for, when all the animals, insects, and elements serve Hashem, they are thereby singing an exquisite song to their creator. And if a bachur, living in today's world, is here on GYE, trying so hard to serve Hashem, can you even imagine the beautiful music he's creating? Keep it up my friend, keep posting, stick around here, there's a lot to learn. I would agree with you that you should help your issues before you get married, don't expect your wife to be your bandaid. Btw, maybe youwant to tell us how you stopped watching porn? Keep us posted, my freind!