NMI36 wrote on 24 Jun 2020 21:36:
Shalom to all the wonderful guys on here. My name is NMI36. I have been struggling with this addiction for at least 12 years. It's a great feeling to be joining this choshuve group. Truthfully, I probably should have joined a long time ago, but better late than never. I have always have had anxieties about being nichshal in this category of aveiros. Now that my mentor from Guard your Eyes helped me write up a plan, I am feeling much better about this, boruch Hashem. With Hashem's help, I have my sights on the goal of 90 days of recovery!
I find that to remove the anxieties, it's important to focus on the benefits of Kedusha. The struggle, then, is no longer between enjoying a certain pleasure and giving it up, but rather between choosing one pleasure in favour of another one. Sending ourselves positive messages and cultivating a positive attitude might be far more helpful. We could reiterate our basic premise that deep down we really want to stay inside the Torah’s safety net and be clean and pure. We’re not seeking to be awash in momentary thrills; we choose to rise above that kind of thing. They leave long term damage and have already caused untold havoc in enough areas. We’ll go for the gold – true spiritual wealth and eternal bliss.