It takes 90 days to do a "reboot" so that is why I limited it to 90 days. It sounds like a mountain climb, but because I am limiting my commitment to 90 days, I hope that since there is an end in sight, i will be able to push through day by day. Again, the main reason that I NEED to do this program is because I was wasting to much time doing garbage and i don't have time for more important things. I know this seems more of a secular reason for doing the program, but to be honest it was r/nofap that led to me finally deciding to do the 90 day program not GYE, which I had stumbled on before. It's not to say that I dont have have guilt for masturbation which I do, but for some reason, that guilt didn't manifest into starting this program, whereas the idea of "rebooting" does give me motivation.