Question: Is there anyone here NOT leading a double life?
meaning, here we are, trying to be understood, trying to break free, trying to get rid of this pesky yetzer hara...
and at the same time maintaining a public persona as someone who is not ill effected by the taavos of this world.
gee, I do feel like a hypocrite sometimes.
although, I take a look at my latest streak, and feel good about myself. I know I'm not perfect (far from it) but I'm one step away from a be'er shachas.
so, I go from feeling like a hypocrite, to feeling like a lamed vuv nik... (and then back again!)
double- good luck making it work.
I hope that this is the first step towards a journey of sobriety.
in another post, someone wrote "if people would just know who i am, they wouldn't like me"
someone else replied ,"but if they really knew who you were, that would understand your struggles and they would honor you."
I commend you for.coming forward