Rabbi Frand said in his speach at the Siyum Hashas, 8 years ago that in life, "It's never too late, it's never too little, and it's never enough". That is so applicable here. You may feel that no matter what you do, there's no change. But the truth is, that while you may not see any tangible fruits of your labor, know that every time you just try to resist the yetzer hara's pull, every second you say no and don't look, it brings you one step closer to the end goal. Every journey begins with a single step. There will be setbacks, but that's part of it. Dr. Watson gave a great idea of maybe joining an SA group. Reaching out is so important, and it's great that you've taken the initiative by posting here. Do you have filters on your phone? Maybe accountability software? If you don't I'd strongly suggest you download them ASAP because otherwise you're what Rashi describes as a child whose father feeds with good food and wine, and places a purse of many around the child's neck and places the child in front of a beis zonos. Who's to blame the child for acting then on his desires? My phone is also a big stumbling block for me. I have it set up with a child setting for the internet to block stuff. It's ok, and I really want to take the next step of getting something stronger. I know I should, but it's hard to let go of that tayvah. Alright, I will download k9 right now.