SIB101854 wrote:
My wife caught me, and gave me th ultimatum of seeking help and finding GYE. I would not be more than 90 days clean if I hadn't take both steps. Getting caught should only be the impetus to stop an addiction, as opposed to being the basis for developing strategies how to change your life.
Well said.
But it really seems to me that the
ikkar actual "strategy in changing your life" is first and foremost for us to stop all lying and hiding.
Being more 'mugdar b'arayos' or 'shmiras einayim' is all fine and well...but we have all tried that before, and failed. Right? Pretending to ourselves that "
Yeah, but this time if I get caught it will be really bad, so now I am finally serious!", is just a game we play. Serious about "fighting
harder but still secretly of course" serious about nothing, in the end...but more lying.
If we are really serious 'this time', then I suggest people consider finding a safe person to open up all the way with about exactly what we are doing, wanting to do, and have done in the past - without holding anything back for shame c"v - and remaining so on a daily basis without fail, one day at a time.
It takes humility and surrender, but it works for me and for hudreds of others.
Telling the truth and not hiding the past, present and inner struggles, is not all we need to do - but it is the key that opens the door. Keeping on struggling alone
is the lock itself. that keeps many of us prisoners.