Wow thanks a lot for your great welcome!!
It is amazing to have found this website, and I think it will become more than a simple website, it is just a huge present from G-d.
I am here just a few days ago, and I have to admit the first day I was amazed and WIHTOUT reading the handbook I decided to install a filter (k9), but made a huge mistake I signed in with my e-mail, and obviously having access to my password. When I started to read the handbook I realized I had made a mistake, but thought by myself: "I´m too motivated, probably won´t write the password in, when they ask me to in this abominable pages"..... But today I did it, it is just so hard!! And I know you all understand.
So I fell, but now I´ll reinstall the filters (in the correct way), and start over again.
Thanks again for your welcome, may Hashem guard you!! Hope to have good news soon.