I'm a Baal Teshuva for 15 years and grew up with masturbating since I was 15. I never thought or learned that there was anything wrong with it. I also didn't think there was anything wrong with looking at women (live and in print or media, internet, etc). I was never really into porn, tough, fortunately, although I have viewed it before.
I tried to stop about 3 years ago and wasn't able to, but I did cut down quite a bit (twice/month). I read something about how it's crucial for the survival of the Jewish people for women to dress modestly and for men to guard our eyes so I did a search on "guard your eyes" and found this site. I signed up, joined the 90 day wall and I've been clean ever since. I've been reading some posts and don't understand much of the Hebrew.
Recently, before I found this site, whenever I found myself looking at pictures of women (not naked, but almost) on the internet, I had been telling myself that they are just lowlife sluts and whores, which is true. That way, I would make myself feel like I had lowered myself to their level, which is also true. Think about it - do you really want these people controlling your lives and poisoning your soul?! FORGET THEM! That's my way of outsmarting the Yetzer Harah. Look at someone like Maddona - she is DISGUSTING! But there are so many other women in addition to Madonna that are willing to take (most of) their clothes off to get attention, to make money, become famous, etc. I loathe them. I will not let them control my life anymore.