Hope is a must, that i'm lacking
I read a book of Rab Zelig Pliskin called "The Gateway to Happiness", it helped a lot some time ago, but when i realized that i fell so many times, i just can't be happy regularly.
Right now i begin the 90-day journey, i enter the partner program, i have the k9 filter in my laptop and just enter the forum. I want to go to the Mikvah regularly not just before Shabat, and i want to say Tikun Haklali every day, and i have to do more things to repair my damage.
It says in the first chapter of the Mesilat Yesharim that there's a lot of influence (Yetzer Hara) that takes the men away from HKB'H, and that's gonna be the greatest battle, the test of your life, were you will have to decide between the good and the bad. Pgam HaBrit is the worst sin of the Tora, therefore the men has to win this battle for his sake, and for his live. Losing this battle is losing your life, it means that you are giving away many good things just for some minutes of pleasure that is never going to be enough. The problem is that when you are an addict, the bad influence always intimidate you to fall. I didn't study all the Mesilat Yesharim, but i really want to, is a must too.
I think one of my problems is that i hang a lot in my room, there's a point that i get bored, and i start to have bad thoughts, sometimes i'm surfing in the web, and i'm reading news that have prizut, and when i see images i have to think twice, because if i don't i just fall easily. I had the ways to enter porn sites but now i have a filter, i hope that i will control myself because filters can be useless if i found another way to see bad images.
Another problem is that i get depressed very fast, after i fall i cannot see someone, i hide myself in my darkness, subtracting help, then i realized that i have to stop, and i wake up, but some time later i can easily fall again.
I read some of Breslev about depression, it helped me too, but then the memory of been pgam so many times it destroys me. But in a way before my depression was worst, now i'm trying to rectify more than been depressed.