When did religious pestering ever stop us?
I mean, has it worked for you, MT? I know it hasn't worked for me.
Avi, I mean this sincerely:
If you expect us to run after you and hold you hands behind your back as you're struggling to unzip your pants and masturbate to a virtual sex session with a 400lb man pretending to be a 110lb girl, this ain't gonna happen.
I particularly am not very well suited to prevent people from doing aveirois. And when I do, I must prioritize. So I may help someone to put on tfilin, or encourage a woman to light Shabbos candles or go to mikva. But stop you from masturbating? Not that important as far as I'm concerned, since, unlike tfilin or shabbos licht, stopping just once has no meaningful impact on your connection to Hashem.
But that's still putting this issue into religious context.
I say, if you're seriously toying with the idea of massage parlor or sex chat, go for it. If you're like me (as Dov likes to say), then you will find a justification to do it within the religious context. I know I always had. "Masturbating is OK if your wife is a nidda; if you already have children; if she is out of town; if you worry you may go to a prostitute".
"Going to a prostitute is OK because it says so in Gemoro Kidushin; because of Maase Tomor; because I really need it; because a man is allowed to have concubines mideOiraso".
And no one else's experience will teach any of us untill we're willing to learn from other people's mistakes.
But Avi, you keep coming up with creative ways to feed your sexual fantasies. So I say, go for it. Maybe you need to be arrested in a police bust of a massage parlor. Maybe you need to get an STD from a prostitute. Maybe your virtual relationship needs to escalate into a personal meeting where you will get seriously hurt by a predator. I'm not wishing this for you, I'm just thinking out loud of what needs to happen for you to heed our warnings.
Or maybe twenty years down the road you will be sitting glued to the computer screen, masturbating yourself to porn time and time again, wishing you had stopped two decades earlier.
I don't know what it will take. But please don't expect me to put on my rescue vest and try to convince you of the destructivness of these life-choices. I can't make up your mind, neither can Shloimo Hamelech, Satmar Rov, Rav Shach, or Machshovo Tova. Only you and you alone can realize that pursuing your sexual fantasies down the rabbit hole will eventually destroy your life.
The only way out is to make up your mind that it's not about "holding back much longer". No Scripture quote will satisfactory hold you back. Nothing I can say (or said until now) will hold you back. No chizuk/advice will hold you back.
So please, don't find yourself a girl to have a virtual relationship with and then do a token call for help so that you can blame me later: "Well I asked for help, and you guys were too slow to respond, so what was I supposed to do? I said I need help ASAP...so you failed to protect me from myself..."
Forgive me, but I don't give a d4mn. I don't care what you do. This is not a support group for people who feel bad after a really good sexual escapade. I can only offer you my expereince in hopes it will prevent you from pursuing sexual fantasy and its execution. But once you're in the "heat"?! Once you've already invested time and energy to find a girl to fool around with?! I've never been successful in taking a bottle away from a drunken buddy. Only before we start drinking do we stand a chance of not getting drunk t o d a y. But once the shotglass is filled, no amount of persuasion or psukim or maamorei Chazal will have any impact, 'cause my mind is made up by then.
Call me if you want to discuss it in person. I promise I am not angry, or even irritated. I feel bad for you, my brother, but I am not gonna be enabling your acting out by giving you advice (or a verse) that you can later say didn't work.
So, what safeguards are YOU willing to put in place to protect yourself? That is the question. Posting here or calling someone before you get triggered would be of help, perhaps. Giving up your sense of entitlement to sexual play can have an effect on you.
But so long as acting out sexually is still a possibility in your mind, I'm not gonna be dragged into a debate of whether it's a good idea or not. I know it's death for me.
Only you can tell what it is for you.