OK, so I love you, MT, and Guard loves me, too - even though he knows that I do not see eye to eye with every GYE idea. In fact, my 'hechsher' is not worth much, b"H! And my way is surely not the only way, and GYE is
not monolithic. So here I go sharing aroiss with anyone who wants to listen:
I do not believe in "
levels of addiction", at all. Let me clarify with a moshol:
A woman gets pregnant and takes an EPT test...it's positive. Another woman is three months pregnant and showing...she needs to buy a new wardrobe. She needs to tell people. Another woman is eight months pregnant. She needs to work less, sleeps little, and is exhausted.
Each woman has a different experience than the other is having - yet all are equally pregnant. Equally. The eight-monther is not
more pregnant than the first day-er. Her experience of pregnancy is more involved...yes. But does she have any more power over her pregnancy than the other - no. None. Aside from abortion, each is powerless - in the very same boat that has the very same destination. Like getting onto a roller coaster ride. Sure the early pregnancy can be 'ignored' - that is called
denial. For the one who wishes she were not pregnant at all, denial feels pretty good...but with the passage of time, it becomes a more difficult thing to avoid. She will need to make progressively more bizarre - "I gained weight," "I can't come into work today, I got a stomach virus, throwing up," etc.
I believe that
few of the guys who make contact with GYE are addicts. I also believe that few of the men supporting the porn industry are addicts. I think most of them just like it, so they use it. An addict - whether he be a frum yid or l'havdil a goy - is the one who buys the magazine and then tears it up or burns it...then buys a new one a week later even though he knows he will tear it up as soon as he has that orgasm - and the bitterness that comes with it. I know plenty goyimn who do that - for the real motivation to hate our acting out of our lust so much is not the aveiro - that is a smokescreen. The real reason many of us
hate it so deeply is because we are disgusted with ourselves knowing that we are out of control. Like little children or animals. This is why they call them "adult bookstores" - to hide the truth that peeking at naked ladies and playing with himself is actually one of the most
immature thing a man can do.
An addict is stuck. He can't stop, and he cannot tolerate acting his lust out any more. He is 'over the barrel'. The pain of living the lie is just too much for him...finally. Now that he (or she) sees failure, there is hope that he (or she) will finally need G-d. Elokai - my G-d, my own G-d. Not the G-d in a sefer, but the G-d who is with me. With me in shul, with me while I am on my knees in the bathroom masturbating to my I-Phone images, with me when I am with my wife or children, when I am alone, and even after I am long dead. he is my Best Friend, and He is eternal. Hmm.
In the first paragraph of the handbook quote above,
frum people suffering from low-level addictions
I would personally replace the word "
addictions" with "
habits". Simple. But b"H I am not the one writing it. Hashem has sent someone else to do that. And my job is here, on the phone with the sweet, very lonely yidle who can't stop looking at the porn in the office, the sobbing chusid or kolel guy who just slept with his fifth prostitute and his wife is pregnant or going to the mikvah tonight...
As the sforim all admit, schmutz feels
so good and is
so exciting, and having sex with ourselves (people call that 'masturbation') is
so tailor-made and enjoyable, that the fact that it is an aveiro is nearly irrelevant to the heart. The typical guy - even with yor'as Shomayim - has a very difficult time really, really wanting to stop enough to give it up. That's whay we have sifrei mussar, learning with hispaylus, and fire and brimstone. It's all emess - and it is a tremendous struggle - but it helps normal people quite a bit, at least to
improve. Torah tavlin!
And all that is
not relevant addiction, at all. Addiction as AA's typically describe it, is not
hard to stop - it is
impossible to stop. It is
not the normal desire we all have for sex or sexual pleasure. It is an allergy. The guy that doesn't forget the dirty scene, that thinks all about the pretty girl even after she goes away, who lives with an undercurrent of concern about about how good or bad sex with his wife will be...twisted.
For an addict, the practice of focusing on "the holiness of the struggle" just
glorifies obsessing about porn. It makes his problem
much worse. That is why none of the 12 steps are about overcoming our desire to drink or lust or take heroin. None. They are all and only about living soundly (sanely)and comfortably with ourselves with G-d and with people. The lust addict has a little problem with his sex - but has a huge problem with life
without his sex.
Sobriety is the problem for him, not drinking. So he eventually will revert to his habit, for life on life's (G-d's) terms is
unbearable to him (or her). Running does not help for long.
But running
will help for most people. For when
they are clean, they discover: comfortable living! The ones who repeatedly slip back into acting out their lust or drinking (and that it gets worse and worse) oght to consider that they
might be addicts. That
they might be powerless because they are truly ill - unlike almost everyone that Chaza"l refer to in 90% of the Chaza"l's about arayos and hagdorah from the tum'ah of schmutz, who are definitely
not sick.
So, it depends. And time will tell. That is my experience, and it is not based on the Torah, but my experience...just like most of the things that you and everyone else bases their behavior on. Derech Eretz Kodmah laTorah is just a fact of life.
Sorry for the arichus, again. Did it make things more confusing or more clear?
Yedidcho, too
- Dov