When I succumbed to sadness and acted out, I had failed to internalize "asher nasan l'sechvi bina lhavhin ben yom uven layla".
Not only does the Aybisther give me the ability to see the difference between day and night, but He also gave me DAY AND NIGHT. i.e. days when I will see spirituality and feel connected, and days when things are concealed.
I used to experience the "darkness", and say (due to years of training), woe is me, I am in darkness. Little did I know, so many others experience the same darkness with me. as an addict I create a false belief, that the moment of darkness is my fault, that somehow I am to blame, and that having acted out, the darkness is worsened.
What I fail to realize is that the earth rotates, golel ohr mipnei choshech u'choshech mipnei ohr. Unlike some other planets that are tidally locked and have one said constantly away from the sun, dark, cold, scary, we on planet earth, Gcd's children, never lose the warmth of the Aybishter. We just gotta wait it through.
Insofar as you realize this is connected to self-esteem, that is huge. Mamash. And the chizuk from me now, is, you have the sechel, you have now seen that the sun has not set... you will experience recovery... 24 hours at a time.