So just passed Day 3, should see my name on the 90 day chart soon, YAY!!
This has been a problem for me since high-school, had some habit free times in Yeshiva in Israel, and other attempts as well in the past. Attempted to stop before I got married; before my kid was born; all failed.
I finally decided to join this site, after seeing the ad for it the second time, at a time when I was about to "fall", I'm happy I did.
This week, my wife is out of town. I am home alone, and my current employer lets me leave work by 2pm. On Monday, I didn't even have to go into work. I know that if I didn't sign up I probably would have had three encounters of the personal sort, with multiple hours on websites that are definitely not kosher. The same would have been for today. I almost slipped, not even a half hour ago, with another personal encounter out of the blue, but stopped myself, thank g-d. My wife does not get back home til later this week, and I am a bit afraid. Staying up late is not foreign to me, but staying up late and not doing something of that nature is only occasional. I know I should go to sleep sooner, but to fall asleep without my wife present in the house I need to be really tired.
I know I can get through this week, in fact the link to this site is duplicated along the task bar in my browsers, but it is going to be hard; it is a 90 day challenge is it not.
However, in the not so distant future, in a bit more than 90 days from now, I'll be separated from my spouse, and the rest of my family, and all but a few of my current friends for close to a month!! I hope that 90 days clean lead to many more clean.
This is me using another tool from GYE, thanks guys, so I can break this habit (and hopefully help others break theirs as well).