Holistic's post is truly a gem ( I went ahead and read all his SIX posts,, he's making so much sense) and he is a great addition to this forum. The thought of hoping to find something in Yiddishkeit to "cure" me was equally pressing to me, and I had a true turn-around after coming here and realizing that Yiddishkeit will follow if I start serving G-d myself by not looking etc.
As far as fantasizing and looking: I don't know if you should consider it a fall for the purpose of count reset, but it is certainly a negative event akin to actual mas*****g or intentionally watching p**n. I found myself in a grip of anxiety and depression the other day (I posted about it here
http://www.guardyoureyes.org/forum/index.php?topic=4306.msg116571#msg116571 and I noticed a physical change in me after dwelling on some "bad" images in my head: i became calmer, less anxious, and even in higher spirits (that is , untilll I realized WHAT has brought about tranquility, and then it was back to depression).
So my layman's opinion concurs to those above: lusting of any form: looking at actual or digital women, or even just memories, has the same consequences for recovery and therefore should be avoided at all costs. And if the thoughts are persistent, you are not doing something right - may be you let your eyes wonder a second longer than you should, or maybe you purposefully let your mind dwell on things you shouldn't. The only difference with the actual fall is: since recovery is a process, you will inevitably find yourself at a setback, but if you view it as yerida l'tzoirech aliya (thanks Holistic!), then as long as you're making progress, and you do change your train of thought, you didn't fall.