I kept going, true, but at different paces. I stopped learning for about a year, I would daven Shema and Shemone Esrei at home - sometimes while cleaning the house so I could "save time"!
What it comes down to is putting yourself in HaShem's shoes, and this may something you'll only experience once you're a parent yourself. Imagine you're raising a child - you want the best for that child and will love them no matter what. One day your child comes in and just lights throws your iphone 4 across the room after and they KNOW how expensive those things are! Naturally, you get upset. This kid needs a timeout or some other form of punishment, they need to understand that what they did is wrong.
Imagine the kid stops talking to you. You ask, "Why aren't you talking to me?" and they say, "Because you don't love me." That has got to be the most painful response you can get. You've invested time, effort, money, love and other emotions into this child, they are your pride and joy, they're your responsibility and they're your life. If they say, "You don't love me." they're essentially saying, "You've never done anything for me, maybe you've cared for me for yourself, but all in all, I'm abandoned and alone - nobody is taking care of me."
If you can't face HaShem after you sin, you're being that child. You're saying, "HaShem, you chose my neshama to be a Jewish one, you chose my neshama to have these skills and strengths, you shaped the world around me...but I'm all alone and nobody loves me." It's a slap in His face. I don't think this is something I understood until I heard my child say, "Don't hurt me, you're going to hurt me!" when I was sweeping the floor and got too close. I would NEVER hurt my child, and hearing those words were so painful, even though I knew they had no clue what was going on.
"No clue what was going on" is another thing to keep in mind. If, Gd forbid (and HUGE kol hakavod to those who go through this) someone has a retarded child*, and that retarded child breaks their iPhone 4, how mad can they really get at the child? They can be upset at the situation, but knowing that the child has no understanding of their surroundings should ensure that the parents doesn't get upset at the actual child.
Since HaShem is ALL knowing and there is a tremendous Master Plan, it stands to reason that in comparison to HaShem and the World of Truth, we are all Gd's retarded children. If we KNEW was zera l'vatala was, if we could actually SEE it's spiritual effects, we would no longer have free will - we would never sin again. So to a certain extent, we can never understand what we're doing and therefor HaShem can never truly get upset at us.
Just some thoughts. Stay strong!
@Helpfyi, I'm slowly learning how to keep the stress of the office out of my home. Any tips are appreciated, thanks!