ontheedgeman wrote on 10 Aug 2011 04:13:
It's pure craziness to choose such a life.
So? It's crazy. So what? I have never met an addict who stopped simply because he realized his lifestyle was
crazy. Did it stop you? Or did you see the insanity and keep trying to 'get it right this time'?
All the ones who I know who are sober now, have come to the conclusion that they could not afford continue the crazy lifestyle even for one more minute. Including me. If I could masturbate and lust my brains out today, I probably would. And no matter how much wisdom and joy I get in recovery, I believe that I'd revert back to all the garbage
if I really could afford it. But I cannot. The pain of living it through has taught me that.
And I work my 12th step here on GYE and in SA meetings primarily so that I do not forget that I cannot afford it. It is not wisdom, yir'as Shomayim, nor goodness that i believe is my deepest motivator - it's just enlightened
self-interest through finally suffering enough.
If really crazy people can heal themselves, certainly addicts can do so as well.
I know you mean well and are relating real information about real crazy people. But as for me, I can honestly say that I never healed myself. I can prove that because it is obvious that if I possessed that ability, I'd have done it decades before Hashem saved me through SA.
And given all the righteous guilt (and I mean truly righteous) people open up about here on GYE, I see before us a sea of people who are sincerely incredibly motivated to stop...but do not.
When they finally get sober is it because they suddenly got wiser and more powerful? I do not believe so. I think they simply start getting the heck out of G-d's way, for a change. "Ein ani v'hu y'cholim lador b'makon echad." And that is an entirely new way of living for them deep on the inside that they may not even realize they picked up along the way, simply by finally being broken.
nishbar v'nidkeh Elokim lo sivzeh.
It doesn't say a tzaddik, rosho, ba'al teshuvah, or chochom...just
broken. That is all that addicts need in order to really get started, in my experience.