I know what you're dealing with. Where someone else might see an attractive woman, I had her instantly undressed in my mind and plugged into one of my fantasies. This, of course, was torture for me, cause I couldn't have her. Leads to a brief rush of Lust Drug, followed soon thereafter by frustration and unhappiness since I can't have what I want, until the next one comes up on the radar and the process renews. Exhausting. Misery.
Shmiras Eynayim on the street is one of the toughest parts of this job. It's nonstop novelty. It's an ingrained habit to look. The beginning was murder. But I noticed when I stopped, I had true happiness. And I wasn't mentally exhausted. So I've been there and done that (for decades). I like being truly happy better. And the world looks so much more beautiful when my receptors aren't fried.
Sometimes I take off my glasses if it's the only solution, but I find it more practical to focus on something permissible and stay with it, somtimes closing one eye (the side she's on) and turning my head far in the opposite direction so she's blurred in my peripheral vision . Rav Miller ZT'L says every time we resist even a small temptation, we achieve greatness. So my brother, working in NYC, you will surely become great! Hope to merit a seat near you in the Olam Ha'emes.
Shteig on!