Very interesting thread... I read through the whole thing. If I were in such a situation I would speak to my Rav and my sponsor first of all, as it sounds quite complicated. I found my Rav very helpful in this situation, I am very close to my Rav as I would speak to him every week for an hour for an entire year. So I recommend either finding a Rav who you feel comfortable opening up with or reviving an old trustworthy relationship, you might find an incredible answer. We only have written information but a conversation will give more information, it is more dynamic and interactive. It has changed my life for the better, it might just change yours. If you would like to discuss the situation with a friend I am open to speak I can give you my number. But I don't have any experience in this area. Someone who is married will be better.
TBH I doubt this relationship will get sexual. The issue sounds more obsessive which I definitely can relate to. The frequent interaction and the deep conversation. I would feel very much curious in such a circumstance as I have done on other occasions. This is especially difficult to avoid as you are in close vicinity.
First thing I would do is daaven for her and her husband.
I wonder if talking to her husband is an option, I wonder what you can say without hurting him. I wonder if he has a low self esteem. I can only see this whole thing being quite hurtful towards him. Maybe if she asks you a deep question you can call her aside and say to her why don't you ask you husband that question? Go on to say a maalah or two about him. That way you are helping their relationship, he feels better about himself and she has built a deeper relationship with him? This is without knowing the situation, the people, the dynamic. finding a way to build HIS self esteem is, I think the key to all this.