Resentment is a trigger for me, when I see other people being immodest. "Why do they have it so good?"
Then I think that maybe what they're doing is not so wrong, and that is why they have it good.
But I learned recently with a rabbi who has been very, very patient with me that the Noahide law prohibiting sexual immorality includes a prohibition against pre-marital sex. This isn't just for Jews. This is for all people.
So it is much easier now for me to not be envious, jealous, resentful, and wishing for more. Those that behave immodestly aren't benefitting from it, in the end.
This keeps me from getting angry, G-d forbid. It makes it easier for me to identify inappropriate behavior, distance myself from it, pity the person committing these acts, and hoping that they turn from their immoral ways and turn towards the truth. We were all created in G-d's image and we are meant for a higher purpose than selfishness.
When I think this way, it makes it easier for me to love people and be kind to them and not be so angry against them. It helps me be a gentleman in the street, which is very important for the tranquility of my soul. Maybe that's the true meaning of pikuach nefesh.