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TOPIC: A powerfull Vort! 2661 Views

A powerfull Vort! 07 Apr 2013 03:59 #204386

  • Avrom
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  • מודים אנחנו לך
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On lag baomer we joyfully sing: „Omar R‘ Akiva, Ashreichem Yisrael! Ma hamikva metaher es hat’meim kach Hkb’h metaher es yisroel“ Why was it necessary for R’ Akiva to tell us this?? The torah in speaks in length about Yom Kippur – and in other places as well, long before R' Akiva came around, Tshuva is mentioned, so why make such a big deal of this omar R’ Akiva??
The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains: As we know there are no extra words in Mishnayos. Therefore it may seem strange for R’ Akiva so specify: “Ma mikva metaher - es Hat’meyim” isn’t it obvious that a mikva is metaher tmeyim?? He should have said “Ma hamikva metaher – kach Hkb’h metaher..!?” (Some answer because then the song would be missing words:) )
The gemara (-iforgot where) has a dispute: If someone becomes tuma by touching a sheretz or by seeing shichvas zera he must go to the mikva – and when night falls, he’s tahor. If someone however touches a mess(corpse) he must go thru seven-day procedure that includes getting sprinkled with the ashes of the Poroh Aduma, only then he regains his tahara.
Here comes the question: What, if someone (that touched a corpse and) during the 7 days of purity touches a sheretz or sees shichvas zerah. Do we say “let him take care of the small tumah and then you can proceed “ or do we say “You anyways are impure, so what difference does this small impurity make? Plus: The greater impurity will be removed thru the ashes of the porah adumah – so why make an effort for something that will vanish anyway?”
R’ Akiva viewed the first opinion as correct and is sending us a deep message: Of course a mikva makes a person tahor! However,
“Ma hamikva metaher es hatmeyim” – just like a mikva is metaher the tmeyim, even though he is posessed by a much greater tuma as above-
“Kach Hkb’h metaher es yisrael” -So too, we still may be deep in the mud, but even a small step towards Hashem is very valued by Him and will purify us . Often it doesn’t seem to sense to make a small change, feeling that it is so insignificant and that greater action is needed for any result. R’ Akiva teaches us to No way!

-Ashreichem Yisrael

Re: A powerfull Vort! 08 Apr 2013 19:34 #204487



Re: A powerfull Vort! 30 Aug 2013 13:48 #217916

  • Avrom
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  • מודים אנחנו לך
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The shulchan aruch states, that people that usually are not makpid on cholv sta'm - should try to be makpid during the aseres yemei tshuva.
The question is obvious:Who are we fooling?? If there is something we don't do all year around - why start now with something that anyways wont last?

Back in the shtettl,there was no sanitation department. Every home owner was in charge to clean the street in front of their house. To enforce this law, there was a inspector, that would make his rounds.
One morning, small moishele came screaming in to the jewish quarter... HE'S COMING!!
Truth was, the Jewish neighborhood was a real mess. Every single house qualified for a severe fine. HE'S COMING! The place was in turmoil, brooms shovels - anything, people used their hands to get rid of some the mess.
Everyone, but one - R' Shmulik was sitting in his front yard, watching his fellows working like horses. His neighbor - carrying a heavy shovel and still out of breath asked him. "Whats going on shmulik - are you not scared to get a fine??" Shmulik responded "What difference does it make? Their is no way you, or anyone, is making it in time, why waste all the energy?"

The inspector enters town - and heads straight to the house of... Shmulik!! "Why me officer?? I'm no worse off than everybody else in town!?" The officer responded: "You are right - However: They are working, they are holding in middle - someone that is in midst of cleaning up - I cant give a fine.

We all have a lot to make tshuva on. The important question however is: Are we holing in middle? If we are working on it, we will iyh be zoiche to a gut gebensht year!
From the Dubno maggid

Re: A powerfull Vort! 25 May 2015 15:51 #255337

would you, by any chance, be able to translate all the Hebrew you used here? I think I follow, but wnat to make sure I get a clear understanding of what seems to be a very important point.
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