Yeshurun wrote on 06 Aug 2012 00:21:
It is always (for myself) that the sexual urge or desire (not necessarily attached to any one fantasy or person) appears, followed by the need to fulfill it i.e. on the computer. So how does one guard against something without a specific trigger?
As anyone who knows me well is aware, "
trigger" is a word I do not generally use. To me, it is just a trick word that people (unknowingly) use in order to reduce their personal responsibility for acting out. As in, "Hey, I was
triggered." Rather, the underlying assumption in 12 steps recovery is the opposite: As far as we are concerned, it is
always our fault, period.
Davka if we are
addicts . Being powerless to control and use lust successfully, we all eventually figure out that we are not like normal people. Normal people can successfully use lust. They can look at a little porn, they can masturbate a does not wreck their lives and mess with their relationships and lifestyles. But
addicts always eventually lose control over it and if we take little drinks (because we harbor and nurse our inner lust), we end up taking bigger risks, lying, hiding, and doing things which we would never
imagine we'd end up doing. And we do it over and over again. The addict who has taken and 'has' the 1st step admits that he or she is different from normal people -
he is powerless. We are sick because we have a progressive, chronic and fatal
allergy to lust. Really.
So we can't
afford the first drink. Unlike normal people (including yidden), who
can. It is not a matter of morality, but of practicality. Enlightened self-interest. I am the only one to blame for my acting out. Trigger, shmigger. Yeah, there are temptations...but what do we do with them is all that matters. The trigger is not the half-naked jogger out there, at all - it is the 'committee in my head' that uses it for my sweet fantasies that is the only problem I have. Personal responsibility. We are not victims forever.
So, I wager your real issue is not your "being triggerred", but just
lust itself. Your lust. Like the rest of us, blaming it on the "Yetzer hora" or on "the joggers out there" is just another way to say we blame it on G-d. Your reference point in living the day out, is lust. It
may be the main factor that defines a woman's human value to you, it
may be the main candy that makes life worthwhile, it
may be what you naturally turn to when you feel sad, pain, or hopelessness of learning, business, relationships, religion. You may
think you 'have' Hashem...but maybe - just maybe - your more
realistic higher power is sweet lust. It is sweet, we all know that it is precious to us - even though we may hate it so much.
That would be
my main problem in acting out. It's not the
aveira of it, but the insanity it
feeds. This issue is about Derech Eretz, not Torah.
See, aveiros are very bad - but they are part of life as an eved Hashem. Kind of like how areguments are part of a marriage - we grow closer through working through them. It's what Teshuvah is
for! Sheva yipol tzaddik - vkom. To a mature person, it becomes clear that 'sheva yipol' is not really a b'dieved - it is human reality for you and me and pretty much everybody else. It's the way it is
supposed to work...and husbands and wives are
supposed to have some trouble and some arguments - it builds a
real relationship rather than a fake one that is entirely based on 'being nice'. Otherwise it's no relationship, at all!
Unlike aveiros/fights indifference
negates relationships. In the same way, this addict's escape by living a double life built on a foundation of lies and all the subtle crazy-thinking holding it all up...well, that is not avodas Hashem at all - it is like being a shoteh, who is patur. For Hashem does not give Torah and mitzvos to shotim (crazy people) who are halachically just not 'in the game'. In lusting and acting out, my wife and kids 'become' pretty irrelevant (actually quite a pain in my behind), the Torah becomes pretty irrelevant (guilt yes, but 'a problem' to me), my personal safety...same thing. My big plans take front and center for me. I sacrifice them all in some way, shape, or form, to get out and feed my lust.
The problem with my addiction is more about "
motzi es ho'odom min ha'Olam" than it is about "
motzi zera".
So...triggered - or just lusting?