I made a few modifications to the English version.
You are the One who created us humans
I replaced "humans" with "men"--just makes more sense to me.
including helping us in our middos and asspecialy anger.
I removed this part. Just a personal thing--damaging yesod is the big thing for me, I don't personally have problems with anger, although I have many other problems.
Help us for the sake of yosef hatzaddik who controlled himself and for the sake of david hamelech who fell in this area but did a complete teshuvah.
In each case, I replaced "sake" with "zechus." Like in the "Aneinu" piyut that Sephardim use on rosh hashana--"Aneinu bizchutei d' Bar Yochai, aneinu."
On a separate matter, I have a general question. Why is this tefilla written in the plural? For instance, why do we say "who created us" instead of "who created me?" I know all tefillos in the siddur are in the plural, but can this (or anything of the general sort that would fit in shma koleinu) be in the singular? I thought that the siddur tefillos were in the plural because we're then speaking for all of Klall Yisroel, but not all of Klall Yisroel have the shmiras bris problems that we have.