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reference list of relevant Gemoros
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.
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TOPIC: reference list of relevant Gemoros 2211 Views

reference list of relevant Gemoros 18 Jun 2009 19:36 #6634

  • tester613
  • Gold Boarder
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The purpose of this thread is to create a list of relevant gemaras that pertain to the yetzer hara, inyanei zenus, and any other related gemaras.  Anyone who has sources should post it in this thread - WITHOUT ELABORATING. This is a thread just for sources.  With the help of Hashem we will be able to elaborate on the sources in another thread.

My goal is two-fold.  Number one, to create a reference list for those that want to delve into these topic.  Number two, to summarize the basic principles that are derived from all the gemara.   
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Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 18 Jun 2009 19:51 #6637

  • tester613
  • Gold Boarder
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Below you will find an incomplete list of gemoras, by daf.  These were gemaras that I have been reviewing over the past few months during my months of recovery.  I tried my best to outline the basic principles of each gemara, with few exceptions. 

Succa 52a
1. The more you give in to the y”h, the stronger it becomes
2. The greater you are you, the more challenging the y”h is.
3. The seven names of y”h(this will take a while to explain)
4. Hashem ‘regrets’ creating the y”h (This is a very deep yesod.  Behind this teaching is the secret as to the purpose of the y”h)
5. Both tzadikkim and reshaim will cry when they see their yetzer hara.
6. The y”h wants to kill you.
7. Using the Torah to fight the y”h [this is a very deep yesod and has never been properly addressed on the forum. One of the basic questions is why doesn’t is always work.]
8. Without Hashem’s help, it is IMPOSSIBLE to beat the y”h.
9.    The more one feeds his sexual desires, the hungrier it becomes.

Kiddushin 20a
1. Repetitive aveiros are harder to break because we become desensitized. (This is one of the most fundamental gemaras in terms of understanding the potential danger of addictions.  It also reveals how to properly heal oneself from addictive behavior.  This was one if the most powerful gemaras for my recovery)

Kiddushin 30b
Beating the y”h with Torah and other goodies.

Kiddushin 40a
1. Unbelievable stories of people who were ready to kill themselves rather than commit arayos [the Gemara 81a says that these people BECAME chasidim by the fact that they stood the test]
2. Repetitive aveiros get punished for the thoughts
3. What to do when faced with an uncontrollable urge.

Kiddushin 81a
1. Beware: Everyone has the potential of becoming powerless to lust, to the degree where in the time of nisayon can lack complete control
2. If a person has a nisayon and cannot extinguish the urges internally (even if he is maintaining a certain level of self control by holding back) he should use external means.
3. A person should be ready to do ANYTHING to protect himself from sin, even if it means making a fool of oneself.
4. Remember: It is better to be shamed in this world than in the world to come.
5. Do not belittle someone else’s nisayon.
6. With the merit of Torah one can be prevented from sin.
7. Temptations start from the eye.
8. Do not incite the the y”h(this is a rather esoteric yesod.  The maharal gives a beautiful explanation that it means do not try to beat the y”h on your own, it will only anger the Y’H.  Only with using the help of hashem one can succeed.)
9. Daven to Hashem to remove/destroy the y”h, meaning ask him to remove all temptations.
10. Even if you feel no temptations, even if you are an old man, keep davening.
11. Daven to be SAVED from the yetzer hara.

Avodah Zara 17a
Rabbi Eliezer ben durdei (see maharal in nesiv hateshuva who explains every detail)

Berachos 5a
What to do when faced with a nisayon (four step process)

Berachos 17a
The yetzer is labeled as sourdough (Understanding the principle can really help a lot in terms of identifying the y”h)

Berachos 20a
One needs to be afraid of the y”h in terms of refraining from entering into a situation that may lead to lust [even for good intentions]

Shabbos 34a
1. Punishment for those that engage in lewd discussions (נבול פה)
2. Punishment for those that tend their hearts to Aveiros (precisely lust)

Shabbos 64a
1. Bnei Yisroel needed kapara at midyan because they had hirhurei aveira.
2. Bnei Yisroel needed kapara at midyan because they derived benefit from looking at women of midyan.
3. Deriving benefit from even a small finger is like makom turfa

Eiruvin 63a
Is it better to fight the yetzer hara head on or avoid him and wait for it to simmer down (based on meiri’s interpretation)

Nidah 13a
masturbation and related topics

Bava Basra 57b
Darka achrina
Last Edit: 21 Jun 2009 20:23 by elador28.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 18 Jun 2009 21:24 #6650

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 852 days
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Jack, that is what all the other 8 boards on this forum are for. But THIS board is strictly for Torah Chizuk, since some people haven't reached real levels of addiction yet, and even if they have, there are some people who this type of Chizuk helps. So like you say, "vus is shlecht?" Being Moisif Kedusha is NEVER Shlecht...

And remember, no debating on this board, as in the rules I laid out over here. All debates of this nature can be done on other boards, particularly on this thread, where Boruch just posted an amazing post (reply #69) in line with what you are trying to say Jack! It was so powerful that even Bardichev agrees now!!  ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 18 Jun 2009 21:34 by .

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 18 Jun 2009 21:30 #6652

  • bardichev
no one is wrong we are just trying to keep a debate free zone here.

plus the list of  gemaros looks daunting ykv and I and hopefully others will Give shiur on them in the near future
the first shiur will be on the topic
Succa 52a
1.  The more you give in to the y”h, the stronger it becomes
i.e. the more you feed it the more you need it

I hope ykv will be the maggid shiur stay tuned
Last Edit: by דוד.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 18 Jun 2009 21:36 #6655

  • Pintele Yid

This is a great!

I am blown away by how much you effort you have put into attaining kedusha. In your zchus, Hakodosh Baroch Hu should give us chizuk to overcome all our issues.

Pintele Yid
Last Edit: by neiroyair.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 19 Jun 2009 00:44 #6671

  • Noorah BAmram
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Reb Yaakov I love your list and lessons. Short and sweet
[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
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Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 19 Jun 2009 12:50 #6701

  • jack
  • Gold Boarder
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dear r guard - i got you now. sorry.
Last Edit: by StrartLiving.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 22 Jun 2009 03:50 #6916

  • yetzertov

I found this in www.webshas.com

General Talmudic Statements
On the importance of general modesty: Succah 49b
On the importance of performing all Mitzvot in secret: Makkot 24a
The Jews are considered to be "Kedoshim [Holy]," in that they are Modest: Shabbat 86a; Niddah 17a
Those who follow the words of the Sages are called "Tzanua [modest]": Niddah 12a
The true honor of a princess is internal: Gittin 12a
Rabban Gamliel on the importance of Modesty: Berachot 8b
Tamar's modesty merited descendants who were Kings and Prophets: Megillah 10b; Sotah 10b
Rachel's humble protection of Leah when she took Rachel's place and married Yaakov, was rewarded by having King Saul as her descendant: Megillah 13b
King Saul's modesty, in hiding his new status as King, was rewarded by having Esther as his descendant: Megillah 13b

Modesty in General Behavior
R' Akiva said that one shouldn't enter any house, including one's own, suddenly: Pesachim 112a

Modesty in Displaying Wealth/Power
Riding one's horse in the city, instead of leading it: Bava Metzia 9b
Avoiding doing too much in public view: Pesachim 113a

Modesty in Care in Practicing Mitzvot
Using a new cloth each time a woman checks for menstrual blood for sexual relations: Niddah 12a
The number of cloths women use to check for menstrual blood: Niddah 14a

Modesty in Displaying Righteousness
Keeping one's Torah knowledge secret: Succah 49b
[Not] Performing generous acts in public: Succah 49b; Moed Katan 16b
Being secretive about one's assistance in funding a wedding or aiding in burial: Succah 49b

Modesty in Gender Mixing and Sexual Matters
Having a divider between groups of men and women: Succah 51b-52a
Preventing too much intergender socialization, to prevent adultery: Eruvin 53b; Nedarim 20a
Prohibitions against observing or staring at women or certain sections of their body: Nedarim 20a
For males to Sleep "Perakdan" [generally assumed to mean Supine]: Berachot 13b
For males to avoid looking below their belt: Shabbat 118b
Flogging for a groom who sleeps/stays in his in-laws' house: Kiddushin 12b
Keeping the area below the belt covered, when changing clothing: Shabbat 118b
How much skin exposure is considered "ervah": Berachot 24a
Differentiating between "ervah" of a Jew and of a non-Jew, or not: Berachot 25b
A man ought not gaze at a woman's small finger: Berachot 24a
A man exchanging money with a woman in such a way that he will end up gazing closely at her hand: Eruvin 18b
Whether the buttocks are considered "ervah": Berachot 24a
Whether public hair is considered "ervah": Berachot 24a
Whether the 'shok' part of the leg is considered "ervah": Berachot 24a
At what age children should not be seen by their parents unclothed: Berachot 24a
Men sitting near the mikvah as women enter to immerse: Berachot 20a
Privacy about knowing which night a woman is immersing: Berachot 24a
Looking at a Bride during her first week of marriage: Ketuvot 17a
For males to walk behind females: Eruvin 18b
Better for a man to walk behind a lion than behind a woman; better behind a woman than behind an idol: Eruvin 18b
A man who walks behind a (Rashi - married) woman in crossing a body of water loses his share in the next world: Eruvin 18b
Bathing brothers, father and son, father-in-law and son-in-law, step-father and step-son, brothers-in-law, Rebbe and student, together: Pesachim 51a
Sitting on the bed of a non-Jewish woman: Berachot 8b; Pesachim 112b
Modesty of a wife in front of her husband: Shabbat 140b
Modesty of husband and wife in requesting sexual relations: Eruvin 100b
Standing unclothed before a light: Pesachim 112b
Keeping a separation between the heart and the lower genitalia: Berachot 24b-25a
A Torah Scholar ought to lie if asked about his sexual habits: Bava Metzia 23b
Giving clothing to one's host to launder: Shabbat 140b
Not watching women come up from the laundry: Makkot 24a
One should not sleep in the same room as a husband and wife, even if the wife is menstruant: Eruvin 63b
Relating the laws of modest dress to the sin in the Garden of Eden: Eruvin 100b
What Rav Ada bar Ahavah did when he thought he saw a Jewish woman wearing an immodest garment in public: Berachot 20a

Last Edit: by ronny perelman.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 22 Jun 2009 18:50 #6988

  • tester613
  • Gold Boarder
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Thank you yy.  I will add the relevant ones to the list
Last Edit: by ארי.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 25 Jun 2009 06:15 #7335

  • bardichev
I took the time to re-read the post in its entirety it is a classic piece of work.
you will be a beacon for Klaal Yisroel one day
your chaver

there is no question in my mind that the HEILGER BARDICHEVER ZTZ"L
took this list and all its meforshim and is pleading
Last Edit: 25 Jun 2009 14:49 by lior1986.

Re: reference list of relevant Gemoros 25 Jun 2009 18:45 #7399

  • tester613
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 181
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Thanks for your kind word.
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