re:parsh Shalch
good stuff.
i remember when I first came to Israel to learn - had been wearing tzitzes about 6 months did nto even think to much about them .. recently upgraded to the nice thick strings
walking outside the old city walks met a nice young lady.. we are walking , and talking..
she asks where the king david is.. because that is where she was staying..
I try to explain .. but realize its too complicated..
I offer to walk wiht her.. thinking maybe we'll have a cup of coffee.. .and *echem* *echem*..
we are walking - I am enjoying the conversation - and she asks btw - what are these strings I see everyone wearing..?
Oh, theese they are supposed to remind us of the mitzvahs we are supposed to do...
Hmm, she inquires very interesting.. like what... ?
well... like... like.. like...
OKI look up to the Heavens - OK - Hashem , I am busted.. I admit it..
I told ther I had something to do and could not walk her to the hotel .
Why are tzitzes on teh corners - because when we are on the edge - this is exactly when we need to be reminded of what it means to be a JEw.