a very fitting bit of chizuk from a mashgiach:
Message from Rabbi Menachem Glick
הרב דסלר זצ"ל brings down in the מכתב מאליהו an unbelievable מאמר in the name of the אריז"ל. The אריז"ל says that יום כיפורים means יום כ-פורים. יום כיפור is similar to פורים, and it is secondary to פורים. We must understand the similarity between יום כיפור and פורים and certainly why יום כיפור is secondary.
The similarity between יום כיפור and פורים can be understood if we look into the end of תפילת נעילה. The peak of the תפילת יום כיפור is the seven times we say "ה' הוא האלוקים". The משגיח הר' וולבה זצ"ל always said that the fundamental תשובה is תשובה on the source of sin. We complete the תשובה of יום כיפור by strengthening our אמונה that everything comes from the רבונו של עולם. The catalyst for inspiration to do מצוות is אמונה, and lack of אמונה is the cause of sin. פורים is also the time we strengthen our אמונה. Klal Yisroel realized the reason behind המן’s decree, did תשובה, and were saved from the decree. They were able to see that the מגילה was not a series of coincidences, but rather השגחה פרטית every step of the way.
We still must understand why יום כיפור is secondary to פורים. The גמרא in שבת פח says that at מתן תורה, the רבונו של עולם was כפה עליהם הר כגיגית. Klal Yisroel accepted the תורה under coercion. However, in the time of Mordechai and Esther they accepted it willingly. רש"י explains מאהבת הנס from the love of the miracle. The obvious question is, Klal Yisroel had seen many miracles throughout the generations, why was this miracle so unique that it inspired them to accept the תורה willingly now?
ר' חיים פרידלנדר זצ"ל in his ספר שפתי חיים explains that the uniqueness was the fact that it was a נס נסתר. Superficially we think that ניסים גלוים are greater miracles then ניסים נסתרים. However, the truth is that ניסים נסתרים show more love of ה' to כ"י then ניסים גלוים. The revealed miracle happens when כ"י is on a high level and they are worthy of it, which might not be at all times. The hidden miracle shows that ה' is with us even in the גלות and even if we’re not on the highest level. כ"י saw that what seemed to be a catastrophe was really a blessing in disguise. For example, אסתר המלכה was taken away to be the wife of אחשורוש. The wife of מרדכי, the גדול הדור has to be married to רח"ל a non Jew (ח"ו if one of the גדולי הדור’s wives had to marry Sadaam Hussein…) However, this situation enabled her to be the savior of כ"י. This is what רש"י means by אהבת הנס. The love that הקב"ה has for כ"י at all times inspired כ"י to have love for him also.
With this we can understand why פורים takes precedence over יום כיפור. יום כיפור is love between כ"י and the רבש"ע when we’re clean from sin and are similar to מלאכים, but פורים shows that the רבש"ע has not and will not forsake us in all situations! פורים can give us חיזוק that the בורא עולם is with us in גלות and בעזרת ה' יתברך will soon reveal himself with our תשובה
במהרה בימינו.