in parshas noach, noach blesses shem & yefes for covering him up (interesting that this brocho is a result of a tzniusdig action...) 'yaft Elokim leyefes, veyishkon beohalay shem'. Yovon, who were the fathers of western civilisation, got external beauty, we as descendants of shem got the shechina to dwell among us -amazing!
The greeks are all about externalities, physical perfection, we are all about spiritual perfection (progress really). Before chanuka, they tried to corrupt us, to bring us round to their line of thinking, to forget about our work which involves 'veyishkon beohalay shem' fascilatating the shechina dwelling within us, bodies, sport, art etc - that's where it's at(c'v).
Due to the mercy of Hashem, we were saved, they didn't manage to pervet us, we remained intact - holy & pure and got rid of them. That is what we are celebrating on chanuka - the fact that we remained holy & pure and weren't perverted away from Hashem and his torah.
(you all know whewre im going withthis ...)Today we have our own yevanim, it is the western culture legacy which they left behind and once more they are trying lehaviram mechukey retsoinecho and lehashgicham mitorasecho May we be zoche to internalise this chanuka, the reason behind our celebrating and be given the strength & the courage to realise which side we are really on!