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Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah
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TOPIC: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 1546 Views

Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 11 May 2010 13:21 #64680

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
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Dear Friends in the Bais Medresh:
Can someone help me out with sources to help link a circumcised bris to a circumcised heart?

I see a possuk in Yechezkel 36:26 talking about TAKING the heart of stone and GIVING back a heart of flesh. There's also lots of stuff in Chumash about Bnei Yisroel needing to circumcise the heart.

But I'm looking for the connection that we must circumsize the stone coverings of our heart to expose the beating heart of flesh. And generally a connection between this pulsing heart and this pulsing bris.

I had thought the possuk was "And I shall circumcise your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." But I think I'm mistaken.

Psukim on this would be very very helpful in my recovery. One post-er on my thread suggested there are chassidic sources and Zohars on this, which I'd welcome, as well.

Thanks in advance.  - Briut
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 06 Jun 2010 14:17 #69053

  • briut
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Okay, rabbosai. I see no psukim to share. Got it. I'll take 'silence' as the answer -- there ain't no such possuk. [question is in the earlier post]

Anybody got anything "outside" that might help? Any aggadata, chassidische seforim, whatever?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 08 Jun 2010 19:29 #69536

  • an honest mouse
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There is a possuk in parshas netzovim, (30:6) that 'Hashem will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring'.

I dunno if that helps you at all but thats all i could come up with so far...
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 16 Jun 2010 15:56 #70994

  • briut
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Thanks, honest mouse. I appreciate the citation. And, I apologize for the delay in responding, since I had despaired of even checking this thread any further. Oh, well.

I'll work on what you sent, and keep going.  Anyone else...?
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 02 Aug 2010 22:11 #75886

  • an honest mouse
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Did you check out last week's sedra? (eikev) (10:16) 'umaltem es orlas levavchem' - you shall cut away the barrier (as in orla of a bris) of your heart. The artscroll footnotes say, 'figuratively, the heart is the seat of desire and emotion and when people become habitual sinners so that their impulses for holiness are weakened, it is described metaphorically as if the heart is surrounded by a covering that dulls its spiritual perceptions'.

Also, the previous passuk i mentioned (Devorim, 30:6) has the roshei teivos for elul making the coming weeks the perfect time for your work in this regard! 'umol Hashem Elokecho Es Levavcho Ve'es Levav zarecho' .  This is pointed out in the mishna berurah in the introduction to siman 581 (the 1st of hilchos rosh hashono).

Hope thats helpful!
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 03 Aug 2010 04:52 #75908

  • destructive cycle
The Ramchal in derech eitz chaim make a very clear connection between the two types of "orlahs".  Let me know if you need further information about that source.
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 03 Aug 2010 16:53 #75925

  • briut
  • Gold Boarder
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Thanks, guys. I'll be checking these out, iyh.
And DCycle, I could use a little more help in finding that Ramch'al. It sounds very promising indeed.

Thanks again, everyone.

- Briut
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Re: Linking Bris of Lev to Bris Milah 17 Aug 2010 16:35 #76725

  • Levi
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I saw in the sefer Bais Kelem, Emunah v Middos, section on Pezizus/Behala that the Alter of Kelem defined the substance of the Orlas HaLev as Behala - the opposite of serenity
when a person is given over to RID, Restlessness, Irritability and Discontent (i.e. behala) he thickens the Orlas halev and looses sensitivity
implicit in the possuk in Mishle, Noaif Eishah Chasar Lev
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