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Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.

TOPIC: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 55270 Views

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 14 Jun 2011 20:53 #108652

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Shelach:

V'gam ra'inu ess hanefilim... v'nehi b'eineinu k'chagavim.

We saw others fall. We saw them hit rock-bottom.

But in matters concerning our eyes, we convinced ourselves that "It wont happen to me!" I will not end up that way. i will be like a grasshopper. i will jump high. I will jump far. I won't get stuck.

[I can jump around. I do not have to stay in one place. i can jump as swift as a grasshopper from being Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.]
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 17 Jun 2011 18:53 #108952

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Shelach:

U'kvod Hashem nire'eh b'ohel.
Rashi: Ha'anan yarad sham.

Some see The Kovod of Hashem
Others just see a fog....
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 17 Jun 2011 18:55 #108953

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Shelach:

Vanancha omeid aleihem u'v'amut anan atta holeich lifneihem.

When we just see a cloud over us, we should remember that Hashem is using THIS cloud to guide us!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 22 Jun 2011 18:40 #109347

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Shelach:

After the chet of the Meraglim, when the Jewish People recognized their misdeed, some of them woke early the next morning and wanted to undo some of the damage & go up to Eretz Yisroel immediately. Moshe Rabbeinu told them, "Why are you disobeying Hashem's commandment, IT WILL NOT SUCCEED. Do not go up because HASHEM IS NOT WITH YOU." (14:40-42)

Why is this so?

Does the Torah 'expire' if we transgress it?
Does Hashem leave His chosen Nation just because they sinned?

The GuardYourEyes Handbook, Attitude Tip #26]The Lechevitcher Rebbe (a student of R' Shlomo of Karlin) once went as far as to say that even if
a person just killed someone and the knife is still dripping with blood, and he feels unable to stand
up and daven Mincha (the afternoon service) with all his strength and heart, then he has not yet
tasted from the waters of Chassidus![/quote] Were they wrong in wanting to fulfill Hashem's Will now that they are doing teshuvah?

The preceding possuk ends off; [i]Vayisablu ha'am me'od[/i] - and the nation mourned greatly.[i] (14:39)[/i]
[i]Ein Hashechina shoreh ella mitoch simcha![/i]

If they are not [i]b'simcha[/i], then wrote on 01 Apr 2011 07:28


Be besimcha

Simcha is the secret

If we do that, THEN we can do:
bardichev wrote on 01 Apr 2011 07:28:


Keep on trucking. No matter what

Say fell shmell and move on

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
guardureyes wrote on 26 May 2009 20:09:

*****, your post brought tears to my eyes. You are one of the first people on this forum who actually refer to the handbooks that I prepared, in a serious and proffesional manner!
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Last Edit: 22 Jun 2011 20:38 by .

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 22 Jun 2011 18:42 #109348

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Korach:

Vayakam Moshe vayeilech el Dasan vaAviram. (16:25)
Rashi: He thought that they will give him some respect but they didn`t.

Even if someone fell as low as they did, as long as he still has Kovod for Rabonim there is still hope for him!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 22 Jun 2011 18:54 #109350

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Korach:

V'hinai parach matei Aharon... vayotzei perach vayatzeitz tzitz vayigmol shkeidim. (17:23)

Harav Moshe Feinstein Zt wrote:

The blossoms stayed on Aharon's staff even after it was laden with almonds! (Usually, the blossom falls off & the fruit grows in its place)

This is to teach us that, in Kedusha matters, all the toil & pain which we endured in attaining our goal doesn't get washed away with the focus being only on the end result. Aderaba, that stays in the person's 'account' to his everlasting credit!

Many of us wish for the day when we will be 'cured' & will be able to leave this whole process behind...

We should know & remember: This is not just a path toward our destiny, this IS our destiny!

Hashem doesn't care for us being perfectly clean. He put us here FOR the journey.

He wants our growing pains! He wants to watch us blossom!    Our current experiences are being recorded by Hashem. He is gonna treasure them FOREVER!!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 22 Jun 2011 19:25 #109353

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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V'hu rachum yechaper avon v'lo yashcis.

It is an automatic cycle:
Ayin ro'eh >>> halev chomeid >>> haguf oseis aveiros (The aveira of hashchasas zera R"L)

Aveira goreres aveira!!!

Hashem, in his infinite mercy, can break this cycle!

We can reach a point where, even though our eyes saw a trigger, our hearts/minds do not automatically begin to lust!!!

In addition to the standard translation of "Forgive", Yechaper can also be read to mean "wipe away". In the midst of the Aveira cycle, Hashem, in his mercy, will just 'wipe away - push aside' the aveira!

V'lo yashchis = we won't come to a point of hashchasas zera C"V!!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 23 Jun 2011 22:01 #109458

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Korach:

Boker v'yodeh vko`Hashem ess asher lo v'hakadosh v'hikriv eilav. (16:5)

Rav Shimon Schwab Zt wrote:

Boker v'yodeh vko`
Atta eis shikros hi lanu. (Rashi) - now is a time of drunkenness for us.


For us?

Moshe Rabbeinu was also drunk?

He should've said "For you"!

Moshe Rabbeinu taught us that the way to influence others is to include himself in his words.

Nobody likes to be talked down at!!!

We are in a program of Attraction, not Persuasion.

v'hakadosh = in matters of inyanei kedusha;  v'hikriv eilav = He brings them close to himself!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 24 Jun 2011 17:47 #109532

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Korach:

One of Korach's followers was Ohn ben Peles. His wife, with her intervention, saved him.

Korach's wife was the one who instigated the whole ordeal! She saw him entirely shaven & didn't like his looks.....

Kalev ben Yefina's wife was Miriam Hanevuah, leader of the Jewish Women.

Lot's wife ridiculed his Hachnosas Orchim.

Achashveirosh killed his wife Vashti.

Achashveirosh's life was saved by his wife Esther.

Shimshon Hagibor's Wife committed the ultimate betrayal!

Telling the wife?

Is a wife an Ezer or a Kinegdo?

Can a wife be trusted?
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 29 Jun 2011 17:30 #109895

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Chukas:

The Kohen who burned the Parah Adumah was first made tamei prior to his preparing it. He was not allowed to do the full system of being metaher himself. He was only given an opportunity for tevila in the mikva (He'erav Shemesh- waiting for sunset, was not allowed.)

The Kohanim & Leviim were the leaders of Klal Yisroel. They were the teachers. Yoru mishpatecha l'Yaakov v'sorascha l'Yisroel. When a Yid wanted to purify himself he needed to go to a Kohen. The Kohen would use the Waters with the Parah Aduma's ashes etc., AND also influence the Yid to rise to greater heights!

In order for the Kohen to properly 'connect' & be able to have an hashpa'ah on his petitioners. He must be able to lower himself down & 'see' the world from the latter's perspective. He must experience a bit of Tumah himself..... only then can he help other rise out of their Tumah!

GuardYourEyes succeeds even where others have failed!


Rebbeim & good friends can give good advice & encouragement, but they have not been down in the trenches themselves. The devoted pals from this Holy GYE Kehilla understand each other & the struggles we are going through better than anyone. Therefore, we feel a kinship amonst ourselves greater than any friendship in the world!!!
Last Edit: 29 Jun 2011 18:09 by .

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 29 Jun 2011 17:50 #109896

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Barasi Yetzer Horah, brasi Torah tavlin kinegdah!

This is generally understood to mean that the Torah is an antidote against the Yetzer Horah. Torah will fight it & lessen its power.

If so, how are the words Tavlin kinegda understood? A flavoring/spice? Opposite/Across/Against her? ?? ?? ??

There are two options for us:
ZemirosShabbos wrote on 24 Jun 2011 17:15:

Daily Dose of Bards:

Living versus Life:
Living is an involuntary action. Breathing. Heart beating. Ppl in jail. Ppl in hospital. Ppl in the clutches of addiction are also alive.

But life is to LIVE!

We can have the REAL life & all that it encompasses;
We can have the pseudo-life that Yetzer Horah tries to push on us.

The Yetzer Horah paints the latter in glittery glitz! He sweetens it with all the saccharin at his disposal. He pumps it up until it looks magnificently enticing. He tries to make us think that the other life, the REAL life is the bland option.

He is right!

Life is very bland & boring........without the Torah, that is.

Living a Torah'dig life is by far much much sweeter than all high fructose stuff that the 'entertainment' world has to offer!

As we see in this testimony:
jack wrote on 29 Jun 2011 17:12:

dear all, it says sur mayra vaasey tov, first, turn away from bad, and THEN, and only then, do good.what does this mean for us? it means that you can't start enjoying the benefits of what a clean life means if you're still acting out.so, in the 12 step groups, they want you to be sober BEFORE you start working the program.rabbi twerski gave me advice to turn to the Torah instead of lust. but i couldn't begin to see how Torah would replace the lust until i was clean for a time.now, after almost 3 years (with only a small number of slips), i am only BEGINNING to realize how anything can replace the tremendous physical pleasure that is lust.

Barasi Yetzer Horah            =  The Yetzer Horah makes his stuff seem tasty;
Brasi Torah tavlin kinegdah! =  The Torah enhances the opposite choice so that it is a formidable opponent to the Yetzer's persuasions!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 29 Jun 2011 18:02 #109900

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Chukas:

Zos hatorah adam ki yamus b'ohel kal haba'ah el ha'ohel v'chal asher b'ohel yitma. (19:14)

bardichev wrote on 13 Dec 2009 13:57:

What I will write in the next comment may have nothing to do with you per se

If it does enjoy the chizzik if not disregard it.

I know many people myself included, who would love the TEASE factor of the sitation you were in.and only get embolden by saying hey nothing happened.

If we look at last weeks parsha we see Potiphars wife asked Yosef "shichva imi" as some say she asked him lie clothe no physical contact in my bed.
At worst he would be over some  "derabanan"
What was Yosefs reaction "how can I do the GREAT sin"

Hey Yosef get real what great sin its an " aveirileh" a goorishtl ah shmekk tabbik

Yosef saw it for what it was what the YH wanted freom him

Yes LL and yes bardichev, YH comes with aveirilach a click a blikk just wanting to be teased,or just curious... Etc.



THIS is the way you will end up DYING !!!!

Just by coming in - - for a moment.....

Just by being inside - - without doing anything....

You WILL become Tamei!

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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 07 Jul 2011 16:32 #110572

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Chukas:

[quote="Rashi (20:26)] Moshe Rabbeinu told Aharon to enter the cave on Mount Hor Hahor and he entered. He saw a bed prepared & a candle lit.

Moshe told him, "Go onto the bed." and he went.

"Spread your arms," and he spread them.

"Close your mouth," and he closed it.

"Shut your eyes,' and he shut his eyes.

IMMEDIATELY, Moshe desired such an experience!!!![/quote]

That Aharon had such control over his eyes - he can close them at will, THIS IS WHAT IMPRESSED MOSHE!!!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 07 Jul 2011 16:47 #110575

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Balak:

Vayachel ha'am liznos el Bnos Moav...... Vayitzamed Yisroel l'Baal Peor. (25:1-3)

Rashi explains that when his Yetzer overpowered him & he courted the prostitute, she would present him with an Avoda Zara & insist that he first worship it .

Vayachel ha'am liznos - - Ha'am = the lesser madreigah.

Vayitzamed Yisroel l'Baal Peor - - Yisroel = the higher madreigah.

It all started off as a tayva from the Yetzer Horah. He ensnared them in their low moments, but it grew & grew. They became addicted. They became attached. Even when they were [otherwise] 'good' Jews, they were on the level of Yisroel, they cleaved to Baal Peor; they were stuck to the thing that they thought will bring them some more of these wonderful(?) Moavite prostitutes!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 07 Jul 2011 16:52 #110578

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Balak:

V'hinei ish miBnei Yisroel ba vayakreiv el achiv ess haMidyanis........ v'heima bochim.... (25:6)

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 07 Jul 2011 16:47:

Parshas Balak:

Vayachel ha'am liznos el Bnos Moav...... Vayitzamed Yisroel l'Baal Peor. (25:1-3)

They cried.

They all cried!

Even Zimri cried!!!!

Zimri didn't WANT to do it.

He couldn't resist!

He HATED it!!!

He was addicted!

[quote="Ur-a-Jew]I think to say a [i]pshat[/i] like that you need a [i]mekor[/i].  I will say that the Medrash Talpios brings down that Zimri was [i]boel[/i] 434 times that day (so he could have been an addict)[/quote]
Last Edit: 07 Jul 2011 18:26 by .
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