Parshas Toldos: Rivkah thought that she is carrying
a single baby
The Maagid, HaRav Sholom Shwadron Ztz wrote:
Rivkah passed a Bais Medrash & felt the baby wanting to go to shul. "Gevaldig, a ben torah!"
She passed the gym & the baby wants to go. Uh oh! What's going on?
If he only wants to go to a mokom Torah, he is a chareidi - Perfect!
If he only wants to go to the gym, hi is chiloni - he can still become a baal teshuva.
But if he wants both...... what is he? A Mizrachi!!!
That Rivkah doesn't want!!!!
We Addicts, we feel attracted to Torah & Tefilla. We feel good when we are engrossed in spirituality.
But we also feel pulled to the filth!
We feel pulled in two opposite directions. This makes us feel even worse!
Rivkah saw her baby going through this emotional torment & she felt bad. Prior to her becoming pregnant, the baby's was resting peacefully under the
Kisei hakovod without any inclination to sin whatsoever. Now, because she desired to have children the baby is being given a Yetzer Horah & will have to endure this emotional torment!
Im kein godol tzar ha'ibur', doesn't have to be translated 'The pregnancy is so painful', we can also read it: 'So great is the pain of the fetus' [i]Ibbur [/i]can be a verb or a noun.]
"If my baby is undergoing so much pain,
lamah zeh anochi - why was I so selfish? Why did I bring him to this state just because I wanted to bear children?"
So she wanted to, at least, give the child the tools how to overcome his addiction. How to deal with the Yetzer Horah which he will now possess.
Vateilech lidrosh ess Hashem. she went to a place where they 'search for God!' By searching for spirituality a person can learn how to cope with opposing urges & attractions!