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Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.

TOPIC: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 55269 Views

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 31 Aug 2010 17:55 #77456

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Nitzavim:

Pen yeish bachem shoresh poreh rosh v'laana (29:17)

Is the root cause still buried deep inside?

V'haya b'sham'o ess divrei ha'allah hazos v'hisbareich bilvavo leimor shalom yiyeh li ki bishrirus libi eileich (29:18)

Sounds familiar?
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 01 Sep 2010 16:42 #77534

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Nitzavim:

Uvacharta bachayim l'maan tichye atta v'zar'echa (30:19)

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 01 Sep 2010 15:48:

oneday wrote on 01 Sep 2010 03:09:

One that I was focusing on was tekah bshofar... the the at the end mikabetz nidchei amoh yisroel if you focus on those words it helps in the battle I've read. There is like 1 letter from each words that comes to spell Hashem's name, but I don't remember exactly which letters!

The 3rd letter from each word: Ches, Beis, Vav. They spell the Name of Hashem that is derived from the Roshei Teivos of Chayil Bala v'yaki'einu.

They are also the next-to-last letters in the words v'kabtzeinu yachad mei'arba kanfos.
(Nussach Ashkenaz doesn't have the word bimheira)

There is also a tefilla that is brought down to say before ending Boruch atta Hashem.... :
Y'hi ratzon...... shekol tipa v'tipa sheyatza mimeni, bein b'ones ubein b'rotzon, bein b'shogeg ubein b'meizid,  shlo bemokom mitzva, asei lma'an shimcha hagodol hayotzei m'hapassuk Chayil Bala V'yaki'einu shetachzireim l'mokom kedusha, v'hatov b'einecha assei. & then finish the Brocha, Boruch atta Hashem mekabetz nidchei amo yisroel while concentrating on those three letters.

The first three letters of U'vacharta bachaim are also Ches, Beis, & Vav. The possuk goes on to say that you & your seed can be returned to life!

  • Another interesting point in this tefilla is its ending: v'hatov b'einecha assei. We must uproot the cause of all our misdeeds too! We must accept that Hashem knows what to do, how to it, & when to do it!

Last Edit: 03 Sep 2010 16:30 by .

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 03 Sep 2010 18:54 #77784

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayeilech:

Ben meah v'esrim shana anochi hayom lo uchal od latzeis v'lavo (31:2)
The Mashgiach Harav Eliyahu Lopian Ztz wrote:

There is a famous anecdote about a bochur who came to R' Elya requesting permission to attend a family Chasuna. Rav Elya, knowing what type of family this bochur is from, asked how shemiras einayim will be over there? The bochur replied that it doesn't harm him. R' Elya exclaimed, "I am almost 90 years old and blind in one eye, but when I see something that I shouldn't have, it does damage to me! How can a young bochur think that it doen't harm nim??"

Harav Shimon Shkop Ztz wrote:

Once, when he was hospitalized, a visitor found him in the corridor outside his room. he explained that a female member of the hospital staff entered his room, so he quickly walked out so as to avoid the issur of yichud. His visitor wondered, "The Rosh Yeshiva is already old and this woman is ugly. What were you afraid of"? "The Yetzer Horah can make an old person young again and an ugly one can 'become' pretty!!" was Rav Shimon's response!

[quote="Harav Koppelman Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva, Lucerne, Switzerland]
The almanah of a well known godol wanted to enter his study to speak to him. Before she entered he turned his chair around to face the wall. He was asked, "The Rosh Yeshiva is already past 100 years old, and this Rebbetzin is almost 90. Is this fear necessary?" Rav Koppelman Shlita answered, "A am an alman & she is an almana. One can never know!"

Moshe Rabbeinu said: I am already 120 years old and I still cannot go and come with impunity!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 03 Sep 2010 18:59 #77785

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Vayeilech:

V'ansa hashira hazos l'fanav l'eid ki lo sishakach mipi zar'o ki yadati ess yitzro! (31:21)

'nuff said! 

Yosef Hatzadik wrote on 02 Sep 2010 16:33:

My most favorite line in the Machzor is: Emes, ki atta hu yotzrom, v'atta yodei'a yitzram, ki heim basar v'dom!

an honest mouse wrote on 02 Sep 2010 23:15:

I always liked that line too, its very comforting!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 06 Sep 2010 22:27 #77960

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Haazinu:

Shicheis lo lo banav mumam (32:5)

[quote="From the 12 Steps]Step #8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make
amends to them all.[/quote]

It easier to make amends for our wrongdoings when we didn't do damage than if we did .

Making amends to Hashem is [b]very easy[/b]!

We didn't damage Him at all!

There is no deficiency in Hashem through our sins!

Hashem is complete - with or without us!

The only ones whom we hurt are ourselves!

[i]Banav mumam![/i]

'[i]Shicheis[/i]' is used in refference to the sin of [i]hotzoas zera levatolo[/i] R"L, as we see by [i]Er [/i]& Onan, the sons of Yehuda. (Vayeishev 38:9)

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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 15 Sep 2010 14:54 #78395

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Rosh Hashana:

Kol Hashofros kesheiros chutz m'shel para. The horns of all animals are acceptable to be used for the mitzva of shofar except for the horn of a cow. Because all horns are called '"shofar" and also called "Keren", the horn of a cow is only called "keren". (Mesechta Rosh Hashana)

Vayisa Avraham es einav vayar v'hinei ayil acher ne'echaz b'svach b'karnav (Akeidas yitchok, Vayeira) The ram was tangled by its horns. Rashi explains that the Ayil, the ram, was running toward Avraham in order to be used as Yitzchok's substitute and the Soton, the Yetzer Horah, stopped him by getting its horns tangled in the bushes. Why does the Torah tell us this information? What is the lesson to be learned over here?

The word "Keren" alludes to honor, Vayarem keren le'amo, Vayarem keren meshicho, U'tzemichas keren l'Dovid avdecha. When a person 'crowns' himself with to much pride, he has an inflated ego, it can cause his destruction, C"V.

The Torah is teaching us that if we have too big an ego we may get caught in the Yetzer Hora's web, tangled by our ego!

A sense of self-worth is not all bad, though. A healthy self esteem can assist us in bettering our ways. The horns of all species are referred to as 'keren', they symbolize honor/pride/ego, but they are also called 'shofar' - shapru maaseichem [beautify your deeds], it can be used to help us become better, bring us closer to Hashem. BUT if someone were to only use it for self promotion, be an egoistic self-centered big-shot, then his 'horns' are possul.

He is no better than a cow!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 15 Sep 2010 15:01 #78398

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Aseres Yemei Teshuva:

Avinu Malkeinu bateil machshevos son'einu.

Rabbi Eliezer says: Even if a woman has 100 maids her husband can still force to work with... because idling brings a person to immorality. (Kesubos 59:)

Batel -[i]batala[/i]], not being productive / procrastinating, brings to .......
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 15 Sep 2010 15:04 #78400

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas V'zos Habracha:

Vayishkon Yisroel betach bada ein Yaakov.

A Yid can rest securely only when his eye is kept private, it is separated from the outside world!

Here's GYE's suggestion: For difficult places, purchase sun-glasses and cover the inside of the lenses with non-see-through transparent lamination paper. This allows us to see vague outlines, but not things we shouldn't. (And no one will look at us as if we fell off the moon!)
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 15 Sep 2010 15:17 #78403

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas V'zos Habracha:

Ashrecha Yisroel mi chamocha am nosha baShem magein ezrecha va'asher cherev gaavasecha v'yikachashu ovecha lach (33:29)

Praiseworthy art thou Yisroel, who is like thee, a nation whom is helped by Hashem, He shields thee, He helps thee, thou must only destroy thy EGO / gaava, and thy enemy, the Yetzer Horah, will be weakened unto thou!

[The above was excerpted from the [glow=red,2,300]GYE Edition of the Bible[/glow] (All rights reserved to members of the GYE Fellowship)
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 15 Sep 2010 15:17 #78404

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas V'zos Habracha:

The goal that we are headed to in our learning Torah, the climax that we achieve at the end are the very last words of the Torah:
L'einei kol Yisroel - keeping our eyes completely clean, completely kosher, completely 'Jewish'!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 16 Sep 2010 18:04 #78504

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Yom Kippur:

The Holy Kohen Godol, while doing the Holy Avodah, in the Holy Beis Hamikdash, in the Holy day of Yom Kippur needed to immerse in the mikve 5 times and purify himself with the kiyor 10 times!

Even the holiest of men must constantly work on becoming purer & purer!


The Holy Kohen Godol, in the Holy Beis Hamikdash, in the Holy day of Yom Kippur needed to take steps [bordering on the extreme!] to stay tahor! (i.e. care in what he ate, staying wake all night, etc.)

One of the miracles that are enumerated as happening in the Beis Hamikdash is that Kohen Godol never experienced an impurity.  >Even after taking ALL THOSE PRECAUTIONS it is still considered a miracle from Hashem to stay clean & Kodosh!


The Holy Kohen Godol, in the Holy Beis Hamikdash, in the Holy day of Yom Kippur needed to take steps [bordering on the extreme!] to stay tahor! (i.e. care in what he ate, staying wake all night, etc.)

Yetzer Horah maniach umos haolam umisgareh beson'eihem shel Yisroel - The Yetzer Horah leaves the gentiles & attacks the Jewish People!    .....U'betalmidei chachamim yoseir mekulam - and in Talmudei Chachamim more than other Jews. (Mesechta Sukkah)

The Yetzer Horah has 'good taste'. He seeks only the 'prime cuts'! When we see that he is trying so hard to get us caught in his web, we should take that as a major complement!

It is not every day that we get a complement from a Malach!
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 20 Sep 2010 21:49 #78764

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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1st draft  (Just jotting down the thought in order to preserve it):

Chazal say that le'osid lavo Hashem will let the goyim try 1 mitzva, the mitzva of Succah. They will build a succah on the top of their roof - high up for everyone to see. they are doing it for others to see. -  The sun will beat upon them, they will go out of the succa, give it a kick & go away.

It is easy to be good when everything is fine. Hahshem will test them if they know how to deal with a RID situation!!!!

Especially disconcerting can be RID which is derived from a Mitzva - we thought that will FEEL as if we are 'really' holy...... & we get RID????

In the middle of showing offf????    (They built it on the roof to show off!!)
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 20 Sep 2010 21:53 #78766

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas V'zos Habracha:

V'soz habracha asher beirach Moshe ish Ha'elokim

[quote="12 Step Program]
Step 12. Having had a spritual experience as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others.

Moshe Rabbeinu earned the title "Ish Ha'elokim", spiritual person, when he 'gave' to others! When he passed on blessing to others!
Last Edit: 21 Sep 2010 21:07 by .

Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 21 Sep 2010 21:04 #78857

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Chazal tell us that Yaakov Avinu is associated with the Yom Tov Succos because the Torah says: U'lemiknahu assa succos - Yaakov built succos for his livestock.

The complete possuk says: Yaakov came to succos, he built himself a house, & for his cattle he built succos. We are currently in the process of identifying, recognizing, and separating the 'animalistic' aspects of ourselves & housing them separately from the REAL us.
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Re: Yosef Hatzadik's Ha'oros 04 Oct 2010 22:37 #79492

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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Parshas Bereishis:

Mikol eitz hagan achol tochel. Um'eitz hadaas tov v'ra lo tocheil mimenu... Vayomer Hashem Elokim lo tov hayos ha'adam levado e'eseh lo eizer kinegdo (2:16-18)

After Hashem told Adam that mikol eitz hagan tochel um'eitz hadaas bsoch hagan lo tocheil, after Adam received his first nisayon, Hashem said, "Lo tov hayos ha'adam levado."

A person can be alone only if he doesn't have any nisyonos, as soon as Adam was given his 1st nisayon Hashem felt compelled to take Adam out of his isolation!


We were zoche to this holy GuardYourEyes site to take us out of our isolation. Now we can hope to withstand the Yeztzer Horah's onslaught!
Last Edit: 07 Oct 2010 16:54 by .
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