Here's a beautiful Vort I heard from Rabbi YY Jacobson:
The possuk says Yosef came to his masters house to "do work". Rashi says this means he surrendered to his YH and came home to have a relationship with eashas Potifar. Rashi continues that right before he acted upon his YH he saw a dmus of Yaakov Avinu and ran out of the house.
The Maor Einayim says that the meaning of this is, that Yosef saw his father in eishes Potifar. Meaning as Yosef was about to do the aveira he thought to himself, why am I doing this? What do I really want? He concluded that he is looking for Tiferes, Beauty. He understood that he won't get the real Tiferes from his few minute affair. This is where he saw Yaakov Avinu, who's mida is Tiferes. Yosef understood that he will only get real Tiferes from his father Yaakov. With that he was able to pick up and run out of the house.
When hearing this Vort, I felt it was tailor made for me. A big struggle by me is I have a void in my life I am trying to fill by acting out on P & M. That void may be simple unhappiness that my life is so non-fulfilling. It may be something deeper. I am not sure myself.
But as we see from Yosef Hatzadik, when we figure out the void we are trying to fill we see how the acting out won't really fulfill it and we will be able to RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE, like Yosef did.
I hope to one day get to such a point and the struggle will be a whole lot easier.
Gut Voch and thanks for reading.