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Rabeinu Yona on Accountability Partners
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.
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TOPIC: Rabeinu Yona on Accountability Partners 1346 Views

Rabeinu Yona on Accountability Partners 14 Dec 2009 06:32 #34456

  • buzi
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  Until I saw this Rabeinu Yona I would think "How can I at my level give Chizuk to someone else ? It is hypocritical, not ethical etc".

On the Mishna "Knai Lecho Chaver" Rabeinu Yona says that ther are three things for which one needs a friend.

The second one is regarding Mitsvos. Even though one might sin personally  (and his friend is more righteous) (he can still benefit his friend. In our terms to give Chizuk) This is because one only has "enjoyment" from one's own sins. However he has no wish for his friend to sin- 'Ein Odom Choite Velo Lo". The result of this will be that he will correct his friends ways and his friend will reciprocate and both will do teshuva.

I think that this proves evrything that is said at GYE. One's personal falls do not necessarily reflect his personal level in Avodas HaShem. Therefore one can use one's objective good side to encourage others.
Last Edit: by Myself myself.

Re: Rabeinu Yona on Accountability Partners 14 Dec 2009 12:07 #34509

  • Kollel Guy
ovadia wrote on 14 Dec 2009 06:32:

I think that this proves evrything that is said at GYE. One's personal falls do not necessarily reflect his personal level in Avodas HaShem. Therefore one can use one's objective good side to encourage others.

Very true. Thanks for the post. One can even say that his main trick, with the highest success rate, is when he convinces someone that his entire being is based on an action he just did, and that there is no good in him because of is HUGE aveirah. Meantime there is someone out there who needs his help (that someone is usually himself). One of the main things that everyone who wants to be a real oved H-shem must have solid, is the discpline not to fall for this one.
(Check out the Shmiras Ainayim Chizuk List - #299, sorry, i don't know how to get the link on the post).
Last Edit: by pass12345.
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