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Lot the sexaholic I am like him- Improved Version
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TOPIC: Lot the sexaholic I am like him- Improved Version 2208 Views

Lot the sexaholic I am like him- Improved Version 14 Feb 2018 19:49 #326979

  • daledadar.3
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: -12
I am trying to  make a perfect article- then again, perfectionism is one of three things which bring Lot's downfall. Besides trying to ber perfect by saving Sedom fronm theri imorality he demands Avraham his role model be perfect.This one is a toughe. He cant  break out of the mold his father creates. He is his father's son til the end. He cant swallow that he is just Lot-not Yitzchak -just Lot Not all of us excell NOt all of us are supposed to. That is also ok
The result was that he had incest with daughters (who were Tdikanios)

Well if anyone had a great deal thrust upon him in his young life it was Lot! : A ruthless grandfather named Terach who would just as soon have his father named Haran, and uncle Avraham killed by being burned by ruthless king Nimrod ; 
The world hated his family and the monotheism it stood by .. More than that -his father Haran lacked a sense of sureness and confidence in his decision making. Lot had to deal with all that
He never finds the father figure. We all must find father figures -or as close to it as we can -or is available ot us. Here was the threat of being burned to death. Avraham will make a kiddush H-shem. Harans response ?.......
"If Avraham survives the fires of kasdim THEN and only then am I with him" 

He has no sense of security in his life and that perhaps is the impetus in his acting out later
He finds somemthing he never got though in going to Israel LECH LECHA MEARTZECHA .... A larger than life role model ;a man who was inspired and inspiring An ohaiv habriyos umekarvan laTorah
Avraham Avienu

What happens though when he sees that new father figure lack bitachon and ponder- then actually give in to the impending starvation threat  -and go down to Egypt? .
The relationship turns sour.   
Lot now wants nothing more to do with Avraham - It seems that fear was something Lot had no patience with.Lot wanted the perfect rebbe role model (perhaps this is pshat)
 So no "good-byes" to Avraham Aveinu (though his shepherds did say goodbye)No 'thank you for saving me from the four kings' at a later time

Lot feels he is the heir aparent to Avraham. Indicative of his name in gematria he reaches forty five only not forty nine or fifty which symbolize completeness.
He resents that he is not considered the heir and lets his shepherds graze. (Why can't we all just accept who we are. Maybe less of us would act out  !??)
The medrash states that Avraham is at fault for not loving and reaching out to Lot enough
Lot must accept a loving uncle He doesnt get a true replacement loving father

This is life.

And there is something worse
He holds on to ambivalence -like his father, Lot never rises above Haran Lot never "breaks the cord"
"Take my daughters!" he later says to the Anshe Sedom ;he clebrates Pesach
Rav Hirsch speaks of how he feels bad when his city gets wiped out
I dont want to leave Sodom and am only willing to  go to Tzoar" he says to the malachim
He needs to rise to the occasion Unlike his father at the Kivshan haish.
Then Lot rebels gets absorbed in a guilt fest for the city he tried to reach out to ,leaves it all and becomes a sexaholic

Guilt is a boa constricter
So is perfectionism
IN oneself
IN others
Self love and accpetance at any cost is a fun garden snake
Find your higher Power sponser One that truly cares and follow him or her ...TO THE TIE
Knowing that you are not your parents is helpful
There seems to be a great deal of need to excell as a Jewish person in the beginning of the 21st century AND AT ALL COSTS !!
Multi multi or great "learning boy" and both !!And some seem to settle for sexaholic....
And finally if all else Lot is a "Perplexing Hero"

a perplexing hero so says the Artscroll
Last Edit: 10 Jan 2019 17:06 by daledadar.3.
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