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It is obvious it means something ...BUT WHAT?
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TOPIC: It is obvious it means something ...BUT WHAT? 2590 Views

It is obvious it means something ...BUT WHAT? 15 Dec 2016 01:35 #299970

  • daledadar.3
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: -12
This parsha is the beginnings of Mashiachs_Ben Yosaif and Ben David
Both YOsaif and Yehuda ,just as many of us ,act human. Sinning in sexual ways.
Yosaif sins in a certain sense with The scoucndrel Eishes Potefar ,Yehudah with a perceived harlot.
Both ......Disgruntled by their brothers 
Both .......end up involved in a trial
Both........leave physical objects as evidence
Both end up marrying tzidkanios who act valiently (Asanas who tells the truth
end saves the day and Tamar who will risk anything than embarrass Yehudah
Yet there are differences 
Why is that 
All good things Chaim    

Re: It is obvious it means something ...BUT WHAT? 15 Dec 2016 08:41 #299984

  • Singularity
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Nice Ha'orah. So what's the pshat?

Find out on tomorrow's episode of
dun dun da dun dun doodoo da dun...
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"... It's over NINE-ZEROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"

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Re: It is obvious it means something ...BUT WHAT? 11 Jul 2017 20:52 #317051

  • daledadar.3
  • Junior Boarder
  • Posts: 21
  • Karma: -12
Let's face it women are better
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