for years when I learned the פרשה of פסח-שני I thought to my self "אוי, נעבאך". everybody is getting ready for קרבן-פסח & they are busy in the שמוץ of טומאת-מת regardless of who they were & what was their "excuse", it's still not the time to be busy with this. just get ready for יום-טוב. especially when it's first year. I earned the רש"י but did not pay too much attention to what רש"י writes. this year, however, i realized what רש"י is saying. (from חז"ל, of course) ראויה פרשה זו להכתב ע"י משה רבינו אלא שזכו שמגלגלין זכות ע"י זכאי.
that hit me! it's not לגריעותא that they are not bringing קרבן-פסח! it's למעליותא! in all כלל-ישראל they were chosen for this זכות because מגלגלין כו
when i think about my addiction I can't get the שלוות-הנפש. why me? now I realized! I was granted the זכות