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In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.
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TOPIC: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 1210 Views

In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 27 Sep 2009 15:18 #20635

  • Noorah BAmram
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Tonight the chazan will shout out "forgive the entire congregation for it was all unintentional"

The gemorah says that if someone does a sin intentionally but he didn't know the severity of the sin, it can be considered a shogeg (hizid blav vshogag bkareis shmoh shogeg).

I posit before the holy tribunal here made up of the holy members of this forum that every single Jew who sins is unaware of the severity of the sin and thus is considered a shogeg/unintentional.

I beseech  you all,  please return a verdict Not Guilty and may the Heavenly Court  concur and say "Not Guilty":


Humbly yours

Love to all

[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: 27 Sep 2009 16:25 by fiteforleben.

Re: in the footsteps of R Levi Yitzchock 27 Sep 2009 15:48 #20637

  • kedusha
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Noorah BAmram wrote on 27 Sep 2009 15:18:

To night the chazan will shout out "forgive the entire congregation for it was all unintentional"

The gemorah says that if someone does a sin intentionally but he didn't know the severity of the sin, it can be considered a shogeg (hizid blav vshogag bkareis shmoh shogeg).

I posit before the holy tribunal here made up of the holy members of this forum that every single jew who sins is unaware of the severity of the sin and thus is considered a shogeg/unintentional.

I beseech  you all,  please return a verdict Not Guilty and may the Heavenly Court  concur and say "Not Guilty":


Humbly yours

Love to all


Very well said, my friend!
Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: by Torah1593.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 27 Sep 2009 17:36 #20645

  • Noorah BAmram
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Another important point in the same vein:

All the Talmidei chachomim here are familiar with the talmudic concept "tchiloso bonnais vsofo bratzon hava onies"  meaning if someone begins an aveirah "forced" but ends up doing it willingly, halachicly we consider the whole aveirah as if it was done under duress and the doer is not liable.

Honorable Judges, here is a Jew driven by stress, depression, environmental factors beyond their control. It is clear as the midday sun that absent these drivers or triggers our holy Yiddeleh would never ever fall into the sewer on their own volition!

Proof your Honor is  the absolute and utter dejection, brokeness and remorse that immediately follows the fall. 

How can u not Honorable Judges return a verdict other then a resounding NOT GUILTY.

And just as the tribunal down here will rule so shall the Heavenly court concur unanimously


May this be a meilitz yosher for the entire klal yisroel

With boundless love 

[b]כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם[/b] 
A Tzadik is he who continues to  bounce back after he hits bottom, even a hundred times !!!!!Rav Don Segal Shlita
Last Edit: by supportive.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 30 Sep 2009 17:56 #21062

  • Nishmas
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Reb Noorah,

I just came across this thread. I love this stuff! You say it like the Berdichive Rebbe, with real sincerity and still with proper kavod at the same time. You defend, and at the same time give chizuk to those who you are defending. Think of it. Just like the stories of the Berdichive Rebbe, not only do they defend, but they uplift us at the same time.

I don't know where Bardichiv is geographically, or Slonim, either, but the ToTzaos from those places are unbelievable and powerful.

Yasher Koiyach!

Last Edit: by mystern.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 01 Oct 2009 01:35 #21266

  • bardichev
everyone knows the story of the heiliger bardichever

how he stayed up all night on the first night of succos so he can "shukkle" lulav as soon as the sun rose!!
Last Edit: by Bob the builder.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 01 Oct 2009 09:34 #21297

  • Sturggle
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so, does that mean your party is motash"k?!
two all-nighters this year in one week?
that's intense...
Last Edit: by Conscience.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 01 Oct 2009 09:34 #21298

  • Sturggle
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shkoyach on your posts!!
Last Edit: by BatMelekh.

Re: In the footsteps of the Holy R Levi Yitzchock of Bardichiv zy"a 09 Dec 2009 23:56 #33683

  • Kollel Guy
I have found, that recounting all zechusim you can think of on klal yisroel durring davening, when asking for h-shem to wake up every yid - to the realization of the potential relationship he/she can have with h-shem, is ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE ways of bringing YOURSELF to recognize the truth of YOUR OWN yearning - at least durring those moments.
I wonder why this is so. I guess it's possible that being melamed zechus on yiddin is such a great thing, and has such amazing effects on high, that the one doing it is zoicheh to percieve it's influence immediately.
In reality, when we think of some way, any way, that we can do something, even the tiniest thing, for H-shem, we are at a loss!! What can we give Him or do for Him? Whatever form of 'benifit' you will want to give Him will fall short, He's simply too big!!
But then the answer hits you!! You can do a tovah for another yid, a child of H-shem, regarding every one of whom he says "Ahavas olam ahavtem" - "I have loved you with an eternal love"!! To do an act of chessed to the child whom H-shem loves so dearly, THIS is our special way of showing and returning our love for Him!!
And even more so, to an even greater extent, you can be meitiv to other yiddin by being me'oreir chessed and rachamim on them, in your tefillos and in the way you think about them. If only we knew the power of our mere perception... (The besh"t says "Wherever a person's thoughts are - that's where his entire being is") Let alone the words and ideas we form with it!
And b'ezras H-shem through successfully attaining a healthy perspective of limud zechus on all yiddin, we will all be zoicheh to attain a healthy perspective on ourselves, and with that bring ourselves to our own geulah and shleimus, Amein
Last Edit: by ariel259.
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