OK, Can't find it on the site.
So, here goes:
Every year, the YH gets frightened from the Shofar, and thinks mashiach has come, and therefore does not do a good job being mekatrig on k'y, c'v.
But why doesn't he finally get it? Why doesn't he remember that last year and the year before and the year before etc it ended up being a 'false alarm'.
He is rather clever, we will all admit, so why is he so 'naive' on this point?
Answers R' Zelig, the YH has one weakness. He is a complete fake. He has nothing to offer. True, he knows how to 'pitz' things up and make them attractive, but they are nothing more than a mirage, and he knows it, better than anyone else.
So, to the degree that he is clever, he is at the same time insecure. Extremely insecure. Because he knows its all a ponzi scheme, and the game is going to end...
So, each RH, he hears the shofar and chaps a tzitter, Oy, the time has finally come, they are going to expose me as the Universes ultimate fraud.
We, sitting here and convinced (after GYE, less so, B"H) that the mirage is real, think what his problem, why doesn't he get it.
But the YH, who sees only how fake and un-real he is, sees only the ultimate end. Makes no difference that the past 3000 odd Rosh Hashana's were a false alarm. He knows that ultimately the end must come, so each RH he chaps a NEW tzitter... Oy, maybe this year is my end!
And may it takeh be so!