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Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d?
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TOPIC: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 2166 Views

Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 09 Sep 2011 21:26 #118355

  • obormottel
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All throughout this forum people recommend and often share a personolized tfila to HKB"H.
In addition to our standard Eloikeinu v'Eloikei Avoiseinu, Boruch Ato Hashem, Yehi Rotzoin milfonecho etc, how do you address Hashem when you talk to Him outside of Shmoine Esrei, or Birchas Hashachar etc?
Is it Ovinu Shebashomaim? Tatte Zisser? Der Heiliger Bashefer? G-t fun Avrohom, Yitzchok, un Yankev? The Al-mighty? Hashem? Keili, Keili? L-rd, G-d? HaKadosh Baruch Hu?
I found that the Anshei Knesses Hagdoilo didn't overstep their duties when they created for us a standard text for davening, because I am often at a loss for words and feeling a little awkward when having to address the Creator on my own. The opportunites are ample: Dear Father, don't let me melt down when this person poses in front of me. Dear G-d, save me from this nisoyon. Bless her, Merciful Father, with her heart's desires. Hashem, I really need you now. Adoin Oylom, I give up!
My personal favorite to address our Holy Creator is Riboinoi Shel Oylom. I heard it from my grandmother and it has a special closeness to me. When I say "Riboinoi shel Oylom, what are you doing to me?" I really feel that I am addressing Him respectfully enough yet loud enough to get noticed.
What's your favorite name for G-d? 
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
Last Edit: 02 Nov 2011 05:20 by .

Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 17:08 #118455

  • bardichev
tatteh is himmel

tatteh zeeser

de tatteh

der aybeshter

i know in the old litta

they say "bey-rey eyylam"

it has a cheyn to hear it from a old litvisher yeed

today it was replaced with a precursary HASHEM

like the kids sinh haseh is here hashem is there

but hearing "bey-rey eyylam"

from a michama ibberlebber

or the Basheffer

it has yiddeshe cheyn

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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 20:10 #118467

  • Jackabbey
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heiliger bashefer whats the difference!
sometimes i dont even say any particuler title, i just scream H E L P  H E L P
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 21:10 #118471

  • obormottel
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Beirei Eilom, that's good! My grandma would also Ribaynei shel Eylom.
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 21:13 #118474

  • Jackabbey
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almechtuger got, nun boe dein temple shireh
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 21:14 #118475

  • bardichev
mottel shmaichell

the previous dor knew how to adress the tatteh

some old yeedin would say the 'leiber lebbedegger"
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 21:28 #118483

  • obormottel
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Shmeichel wrote on 11 Sep 2011 21:13:

almechtuger got, nun boe dein temple shireh

is this magyarul?bardichev wrote on 11 Sep 2011 21:14:

mottel shmaichell

the previous dor knew how to adress the tatteh

some old yeedin would say the 'leiber lebbedegger"

that's what I'm trying to get out of you guys, what are good names for the Tatte in Himmel?
Baby steps.
If the road is pulling you down, it's a sign that you are going uphill, so just press harder on the gas!

Have a great day - unless, of course, you made other plans.
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 11 Sep 2011 21:30 #118484

  • Jackabbey
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its old german
at the end of the hagodo
nigun of shloh hakodosh
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Re: Tatte Zisser or Abba Matok: how do YOU address G-d? 12 Sep 2011 00:21 #118505

  • ZemirosShabbos
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if only Rage were here....

he never ran out of Names
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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