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הן יראת השם היא חכמה
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.
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TOPIC: הן יראת השם היא חכמה 1821 Views

הן יראת השם היא חכמה 04 Apr 2011 01:55 #103053

  • Chaiei Olam
Hi friends,

I read in messilas iesharim, just in the "hakdamas ha'mechaber" the Ramchal z"l tell us the passuk in Iov הן יראת השם היא חכמה and he brings the guemara in Shabes that says that the word "hen" in ievanit is one and just iras Hashem is Chochma. I had a question, what about mathematics, physics, enginering, aren't they wisdom also??

In Shabes (31b) see the Marsho. The answer is that all wisdom is a gift from God. The man has to study, for sure, but the wisdom is a gift, not necessarily a result from the study, it is like this in all sciences and Torah also.
Iras Hashem is not like this, the man that strives for iras Hashem he acquire it in the measure he strives for it, he doesn't receive iras Hashem like a gift, he receives like a payment for the effort in striving for it.

She nizke all of us to strive and grow up in iras shamaim.

Shavua Tov
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Re: הן יראת השם היא חכמה 04 Apr 2011 02:55 #103062

  • Reb Yid
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Rav Yisroel Salanter has a similar thought in Sefer Devarim. The Torah says that "This Mitzva is not far from you. It is not in the heavens. It is not across the sea. Rather it is very close, in our hearts and mouths to do it". He explains that the Mitzva referred to is that of learning Torah. But he asks a great question. If I make a mistake to think that from Brooklyn to Manhattan is 30 miles, when it is really 20 miles, that is a normal mistake. But if I were to think that from Brooklyn to Israel is 20 miles, when it is really 8,000 miles, that is crazy!! How can someone make a mistake to think that the Torah is "in the heavens" when it is really in our very own hearts and mouths!!!

He answers like you said. Really, it is impossible for us to ever understand the Torah. It is G-dly, and the human brain can't comprehend it. So we think it is very far away from us, and that is not a mistake. It is the reality. But if we use our heart to truly desire it, and our mouths to learn the Torah, and Daven to Hashem for understanding, then according to our Ratzon, will be the level of our gift.
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