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SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program
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Stop Living in the PROBLEM and start living in THE SOLUTION. You can now take the 12 Steps of SA with the Back to Basics method on this board, exactly as they are being taken by frum members of one face-to-face SA group. Take a proven program with high success rates that is open to all, newcomer and old timer, whether you belong to a face-to-face 12 Step group or not. Check in with us for more information.
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TOPIC: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 1192 Views

SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 17 Jun 2009 18:34 #6494

  • boruch
Twelve in Twelve - SA Back to Basics

Hello All,
Back to Basics is the life-saving path to taking the 12 Steps as they were taken with high success rates in early AA in the 1940s.

The Vietnam veteran who started Back to Basics had seen people die in Vietnam and had seen people die of alcoholism. He said, "The only body count due to alcoholism I can accept is zero."

Here on GUE you can take the 12 Steps of SA with the Back to Basics method, exactly as they are being taken by the members of a face-to-face Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) group. We frum yidden in SA need to say, "We cannot afford to lose a single Yid to sex addiction"

Our SA Back to Basics, which will be available here online on this board in GUE and also in a weekly conference call (please email for details) will take you through all 12 Steps of SA, first for yourself as a sponsee and then as a sponsor, to carry the 12 Step message to others.

Unlike the "overbearing" sponsor in certain circles within the 12 step fellowships, the Back to Basics sponsor is really a co-sponsor. He is neither Boss nor Therapist and he is certainly not a Higher Power. It is not his job to "fix" the sponsee. See here and here.

This program requires a 12 week commitment.

This program can be done in one of two ways or both by:

1) Online by reading material posted twice/three times a week and posting questions or comments

2) Phone conference by calling in once weekly Wednesdays 9 PM EDT/EST with emailed/faxed sheets

Please share on this thread your opinions of this overview and any other questions for discussion.

Your friend,


*Back to Basics “The Original Beginners Meetings”*

*Pages 1-4*

Prior to the publication of the Back to Basics book in 1997, the Beginners’ Meetings were a forgotten piece of Alcoholics Anonymous history. Very few people in recovery knew anything about the four one-hour sessions that played such an important role in the initial success of the Twelve Step movement.

These meetings were held throughout the United States and Canada during a period of time when A.A. enjoyed an 50-75 percent recovery rate from alcoholism. Newcomers quickly learned “*How it Works*.” They had conversion experiences, discovered a new way of living without alcohol, and carried this message of hope to others.

By taking the Twelve Steps in these Beginners’ Meetings, tens of thousands of A.A.’s found the spiritual solution to alcoholism. They completed the Steps in about a month. Then, in order to ensure their own sobriety, they helped others through the Steps and in turn they led Beginners’ Meetings.

This program is based on the Back to Basics book and is a re-enactment of the sessions as they were held in the mid 1940’s. The format is based solely on the author’s interpretation of the available source material.

In the early days, no two meeting leaders conducted these session in exactly the same way. The same is true today. We urge those interested in starting a Beginners’ Meeting or Group to use this format as a guide – a starting point. Feel free to modify this program, but please keep in mind that those who have remained true to the Dr. Bob “keep it simple” philosophy have had the greatest success. In addition, the General Service Conference did not exist in 1946, so there was very little discussion as to what could or
could not be used as A.A. support material in these Beginners’ Meetings.

Even Bill W., the co-founder of A.A., insisted that we let God rather than “control committees” guide us in our lifesaving efforts. In September 1945, he wrote an article for *The Grapevine* in which he stated that if A.A. was to succeed, it must be governed by God and not by rules or rule makers:

“Were we to proceed by rules, somebody would have to make them and, more difficult still, somebody would have to enforce them. ‘Rule-making’ has often been tried. It usually results in controversy among the ‘rule makers’ as to what the rules should be…

Our experience tells us these universal truths (the 12 Steps) work. (We are) ruled, not by people, but by principles… and, as most of us would say, (we are) ruled by God.”

This concept later became the cornerstone of A.A.’s Second Tradition, which states, “For our group purpose there is but one Ultimate Authority, a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience.” In the 1940’s and 1950’s, God spoke to numerous A.A. Groups, and guided them to start
Beginners’ Meetings throughout the United States and Canada. The format served a very important purpose – to present the A.A. program in a way that would save as many lives as possible.

This program is excerpted from Chapters Two through Five of the Back to Basics book and is a re-enactments of the four one-hour Beginners’ Meetings as conducted in 1946. In these sessions, the author has tried to remain true to the “Big Book” as well as to the old-timers who originally led these meetings.

Please remember that in the mid-1940’s there was only one Twelve Step program and only one publication that described the spiritual solution to addiction – The “Big Book” of Alcoholics Anonymous.

If you are “*interested in a spiritual way of life*,” you are welcome to take the Twelve Steps along with us using this 1946 A.A. format. All we ask is that you take *ALL* Twelve Steps in four one-hour

Experience has shown that, you can recover at the same rate as the alcoholics of the 1940’s, provided you remain involved in these re-enactments of the Beginners’ Meetings for a minimum ninety days. Nothing more is required other than the “*willingness, honesty and open-mindedness*” to take the Steps, help others through the Steps and, if possible, lead the meetings.

Although a considerable amount of recovery literature has been written since the “Big Book,” it is still the only book that provides the directions on how to take the Steps. *Alcoholics Anonymous* provides clear-cut, step-by-step instructions on how to develop an intimate, two-way relationship with the “*Spirit of the Universe*.” The authors of the book state that our Creator resides “*deep down within us*” and is all knowing, all loving, and all forgiving.

The “Big Book” authors instruct us to solve our problems by relying upon a “*Power greater than ourselves*.” We surrender our lives to this Power, identify and remove the blocks that have “*shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the Spirit*,” and listen to and follow Divine guidance. The authors provide us with a simple test to separate self-will from God’s will. They emphasize that “*working with others*” is essential in order to “*keep in fit spiritual condition*.”

On page 59, the “Big Book” authors describe the solution to all of our problems, including alcoholism:

“*But there is One who has all power – that One is God. May you find Him now*


Please post any questions here or email
Last Edit: 24 Jun 2009 19:11 by והתקדשתם.

Re: SA Back to Basics - The Life Saving Program 17 Jun 2009 20:14 #6519

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
  • Karma: 2
Hi Holy Boruch,

I have a few questions that I have and othr may have as well.
1)is this the actual book or your thoughts on the book?
2) Is this book online or store bought?
3)What is the purpose of this board?

Last Edit: by chanayah.

Re: SA Back to Basics - The Life Saving Program 18 Jun 2009 01:12 #6561

  • boruch
Ineedhelp!! wrote on 17 Jun 2009 20:14:

Hi Holy Boruch,

I have a few questions that I have and othr may have as well.
1)is this the actual book or your thoughts on the book?
2) Is this book online or store bought?
3)What is the purpose of this board?


Hello INH,
Thanks for the questions. In order here are the answers:

1) This is wording taken directly from the book, modified very very lightly for this online format

2) The Full text of Back to Basics is only available online for purchase. However, Chapters 2 through 5 will be summarized here online. Here is a summary of the other chapters:

"Chapter 1 contains a small portion of the written record on the Beginners’ Meetings. This information confirms that these sessions were an integral part of the early success of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Chapter 6 provides additional insight into the inner workings of the Beginners’ Meetings. In the 1940’s, A.A.’s used an Assets and Liabilities checklist to take the Fourth and Fifth Steps. During daily “quiet times,” they conducted a written Eleventh Step. By remaining involved for three to six months, they learned how to sponsor others through these four one-hour sessions."

3) As in SA's Tradition 5, The primary purpose of this board is to make the life saving Back to Basics program as adapted for SA, available to the addict that suffers.
Last Edit: 18 Jun 2009 05:44 by .

Re: SA Back to Basics - The Life Saving Program 23 Jun 2009 23:22 #7149

Reb Boruch,

Do you have to have experience with SA/12 Steps to find this group helpful, or will newbies with open minds get just as much out of it?
Last Edit: by t-av-try.

Re: SA Back to Basics - The Life Saving Program 24 Jun 2009 10:40 #7178

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Postal, it's MADE for newbies with open minds!!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by shomer613.

Re: SA Back to Basics - The Life Saving Program 24 Jun 2009 19:42 #7298

  • boruch
PostalServicio wrote on 23 Jun 2009 23:22:

Reb Boruch,

Do you have to have experience with SA/12 Steps to find this group helpful, or will newbies with open minds get just as much out of it?

Anyone can get it and an open mind is a big plus. Welcome on board. Will be posting first part of Step One online today and the weekly Phone group begins tonight.

If you want to join the call please email me.
Last Edit: by kadosh2626.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 24 Jun 2009 19:56 #7302

  • boruch
I will be posting Part 1 of Step One online here. In the meantime here are some basic concepts:

Key Concepts from the 1940’s
1. Put no block between the newcomer and Step Twelve.
Get the newcomer to Step Twelve as quickly as possible, so he or she can experience the life-changing spiritual awakening that occurs as the direct result of taking the Steps.  Assure the newcomer that our pro-gram of recovery will relieve his or her alcoholism.  Show the newcomer that the process is simple, straightforward and that it really works.
2. Call the newcomer.
Demonstrate that you are there for the newcomer by checking in with him or her on a regular basis.  Remember, the newcomer is very ill and needs your encouragement and support.
3. Read the appropriate parts of the “Big Book” to the newcomer.
The newcomer is in no physical or emotional condition to read, let alone comprehend, the “Big Book” by him or herself.  Therefore, read and explain the appropriate parts of the book to the newcomer, specifically those 50 or so passages that pertain directly to taking the Twelve Steps.
4. The healing is in the sharing not in the writing.
Sit down with the newcomer and guide him or her through the Fourth Step inventory.  If necessary, write the inventory while the newcomer does the talking.  This will help relieve any anxiety or apprehension the newcomer may have about this part of the program.
5. Assist the newcomer with his or her amends.
Work together on the newcomer’s amends.  Be the first person the newcomer sees after an amends is made.
6. Share guidance with the newcomer.
Show the newcomer that you believe in and are practicing two-way prayer on a daily basis.
7. Co-sponsor the next newcomer.
Have the newcomer accompany you as you work with the next person.  This way, the newcomer will gain confidence in his or her ability to guide others through the recovery process.
Last Edit: by nvekam.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 25 Jun 2009 19:45 #7408

  • todahlakayl
I just want to say I went on the phone meeting last night and it was fantastic!!! This Back to Basics is truly amazing!! Simple, straight and to the point. Something simple is the recipe all of us Sexaholics need to start us on the road to recovery!! I bless everyone with sobriety just for today!!! Take care !!! Be well !!!
Last Edit: by simsim.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 25 Jun 2009 20:54 #7423

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Thank you for the great feedback. Anyone else's thoughts so far?

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by guhil.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 26 Jun 2009 13:09 #7469

  • Hoping
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 202
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I thought the meeting was wonderful! Thank you Boruch! I look forward to the next meeting.

Just one question: does the phone meeting provide sufficient support or will I eventually need a face-to-face meeting anyhow?
Last Edit: by יהודי 25.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 26 Jun 2009 20:46 #7496

  • boruch
todahlakayl wrote on 25 Jun 2009 19:45:

I just want to say I went on the phone meeting last night and it was fantastic!!! This Back to Basics is truly amazing!! Simple, straight and to the point. Something simple is the recipe all of us Sexaholics need to start us on the road to recovery!! I bless everyone with sobriety just for today!!! Take care !!! Be well !!!

Thank you todah, you may be helping us more than we are helping you, keep coming back...
Last Edit: by יום אחד.

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 11 Jul 2010 16:15 #73650

  • jooboy
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 258
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Are these Back to Basic meetings still going on?

I have been in SA for a bit and have made progress against the addiction but I am really bogged down in getting through the steps..
Last Edit: by .

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 11 Jul 2010 17:14 #73651

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
  • Karma: 2
Nope. Boruch hasnt been here in a while.
Last Edit: by .

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 29 Jul 2010 13:54 #75652

  • cleanup
Hi i go by the name cleanup. I really want to joim the phone conference but i don't have the material. Is that ok
Last Edit: by .

Re: SA Back to Basics Online - The Life Saving Program 29 Jul 2010 14:23 #75655

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
  • Karma: 2
This is the page you want: www.guardyoureyes.org/?page_id=678

Check it out the info is there. There are currently two calls going on.
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